Great Album
Posted February 07, 2013
By btarallo,
I have beeen following Red for probably about 2 years now, and I can say they are one of my favorite bands. This album specifically contains a different sound from their other albums, and it took me a couple times to listen to the songs to really get into them. At first I was disappointed with the first half of the album, but I found that after listening through a couple of times I have grown to accept the direction that Red is moving in as a band. I would still say overall that the first qtr of the album is not as good as the rest of the album, but your welcome to make that decision for yourself. As for the deluxe songs at the end (the last 3 remakes), it seemed like they tried to pull off a Skillet by giving them a techno sort of beat with fewer lyrics. I never understood that (I am a fan of the lyrics more than beats though) and I thought the originals were better except for Breathe Into Me which I think both versions are about equal. So I would probably recommend just getting the regular edition of the album if you had the choice. However, the album itself in my opinion is a huge hit if you like Christian Alternative/Rock music like I do. You can view the whole album here if you would like... View All Music And Book Reviews By btarallo | View btarallo's Profile