It's like Twilight, except they don't sparkle and it's better written.
Posted February 04, 2011
By username2,
As the back of the book states, "This story is for everyone, but not everyone is for this story." After reading I completely agree. This is Ted's most controversial book yet as it contains scenes that some people might consider offensive. But this is what I like about Ted's writing style. He is not afraid to push the boundaries of what people consider to be of good taste. This makes him one of the most interesting Christian authors out there.
As for the book, it is a great read. Especially for someone who has read the Books of History Chronicles as this book ties into those books. But you don't have to read those books to understand what happens in the story. It deals with trademark Dekker themes like the battle of good and evil and eloquently written scenes of love. If you can get past the overt sexuality that resides in the book, you'll find a great story that really makes you think about how you would go about loving someone. View All Music And Book Reviews By username2 | View username2's Profile