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Above The Golden State [Above The Golden State]
Posted November 25, 2008
By christianmusicreview,

The band, Above the Golden State, marks out a space for themselves inside the CCM industry with the release of their unique, self-titled, debut album. This album combines classic, up-beat West Coast-style acoustic, rock-pop sounds with moving, reflective songs of praise and worship. The lyrics are simple and clear, yet deep and introspective. While folksy and soulful, Above the Golden State is at its core authentic and environmental. This is one of those rare albums you’ll want to sit back and experience straight through from beginning to end. It’s upbeat and trendy at times, while moody and melodious at others.

Above the Golden State reflects on life and God and the impact of His Word (referenced so frequently throughout the album). With this release, the band offers listeners a sense of Christianity at peace with itself. There’s no rebellion here, only a humble gratefulness, desperation and awe. That approach is truly refreshing in an industry where artists can sometimes toe the line between secularism and their own core beliefs. While I’m usually not one for song-by-song reviews, I want to detail a few of my personal favorites in the hopes that you’ll gain a better sense of the album:

The song, “Gaze Into Your Eyes” is the second track and sets the album on a beautiful course of exploration by mixing sunny, radio-friendly pop-rock chords with natural, organic choruses that blend the singer’s falsetto with careful, instrumental pauses and builds.

“Streets” is a haunting, acoustic blend of seriousness, brokenness and revelation. The lyric, “Love is real. Love will bleed. Love will heal. Love will need.” reminds you of the impact The Lord has had on your life and the potential impact He can have on others by way of your testimony. Low, dissonant verses dramatically intersect with higher, emotionally-charged choruses, relaying a full-bodied presentation of sound and message.

The track, “Love”, continues on the former theme by way of the band’s signature appeal of powerful simplicity. In the fashion of Jars of Clay, “Love” lays out a straightforward lyric and builds in a sense of profound scale and gravity with layered guitars (both acoustic and electric), violins, background echoes and dance club beats. The song consists of sudden stops and starts; music that’s stripped down and then built back up. For added emphasis, this song is immediately followed by a raw, dramatic reading of 1 Corinthians 13.

Many other songs on the album have already been reviewed by other industry writers and are equally great offerings. These listed above are just some of my own personal favorites, but like other quality albums, there is plenty here to choose from and you’ll probably settle on your own favorites. I recommend this album to audiences who appreciate music from artists like Aaron Shust, Jars of Clay, Leeland and Audio Adrenaline. This is truly a solid debut for Above the Golden State.

For more Christian Music Reviews By Aaron, visit: http://reviewsbyaaron.com

Sit back and enjoy Above the Golden State. The album is a pleasant journey from start to finish. Whether you need a healthy reminder of your faith, a simple break from the world, or a mild spiritual renewal, this album can take you to that higher place.

Rating: 9.0 out of 10 (90%, A-)

Review written by: Aaron Hassen | Review can also be found here.

This review has been reprinted on NRT with permission from ChristianMusicReview.org. Click here to visit ChristianMusicReview.org today!

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