19 March 2021 - Brentwood, TN - Integrity Music announces the highly anticipated release of Lincoln Brewster's new album, Perfect Love, on April 30. Leading up to the eleven-song project, the first single and album opener, "Move," releases today joined by a lyric video.
Perfect Love was produced by GRAMMY® winners Seth Mosley and X O'Connor, and its theme is woven throughout every song.
"I hope this batch of songs encourages people and makes them feel motivated to live their best life and let God love them," Brewster shares. "I hope it encourages people to let go of the myth of control and surrender to what God's got for them, to function off of His strength and try to have a positive impact in this world in some way, shape, or form. I'm a pretty hardcore believer that everyone has the capacity to have a positive impact pretty much no matter what your condition is."
Kicking off the album with the release of the upbeat anthem "Move" shares that very message, recognizing the magnificent power of God and how His love gets us through even our darkest of days. "Move" is a simple reminder that God's perfect love can pull you out of any valley.
No matter what he does, California-based Lincoln Brewster always shoots from the heart. Whether he's helping young songwriters and guitarists hone their craft, massaging lyrics for his own record, or being with his family at home, he's leaning into the truth of God's perfect love. And after two decades of artistry, his greatest concern isn't chart position or commercial appeal; it's simply that his heart won't translate.
"I think my biggest fear in making an album is actually not that it won't be successful from a sales standpoint and all that," he admits. "What would crush me is to feel like I made a record that didn't speak to anybody, that just didn't hit somebody in the heart. That would feel like a waste of time."