Iconic Christian Rock Band Stryper Drops Second 2020 Single
"Make Love Great Again" is off band's forthcoming new album 'Even The Devil Believes'
Posted: August 02, 2020, 5:00 PM | Category:New Releases Artist Tags: Stryper Source: Staff Report RA
Stryper is on their way to releasing their thirteenth studio album, titled Even The Devil Believes and set for September 4th, 2020. Their first single, "Blood From Above" was a great example of what to expect, and they now have a second single out for the album called "Make Love Great Again." The former single having more of a modern rock sound, the latter boasts melodies that remind us of earlier material from the band. The song ultimately is a call to make love a priority in our lives with the chorus singing Make love great again/fight for it till the end/don't let the darkness in!
Stryper's thirteenth studio album is one that will be a new chapter for Stryper, lead singer Michael Sweet says. Regarding the album he says "This album was recorded during the pandemic, and I believe the message pertains to the times we are living in so perfectly. It's a recording of hope and inspiration and a light in the darkest of times."
We at NewReleaseToday are excited to hear what Even The Devil Believes has in store for everyone - we all need more hope and inspiration!