Newsboys Honor Veterans By Partnering With Guardian For Heroes Foundation At Recent Show
Video segments explain band's heart for the organization
Posted: November 21, 2016, 5:00 PM | Category:General Artist Tags: Newsboys Source: Staff Reports CL / Turning Point PR
Late last month, the Newsboys packed out an arena in Nashville with their 'Love Riot' Tour. The concert served as a benefit for the Guardian for Heroes Foundation, established by late U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle. The Foundation helps combat veterans transition into life after the military.
During the show that night, Chris Kyle's brother Jeff spoke about the mission of the organization. BeastMode for the Brave endurance athlete George Chmiel also spoke that night to share about his run across America to pay homage to veterans and drive awareness of the serious issues they face upon returning home from the battlefield.
Below are video segments of a conversation with the Newsboys, joined by Jeff and George, speaking about the foundation and why their interaction with the Veterans' groups is so important to them.
"I love to speak from the stage and share the message of love, but I have a special spot in my heart for Veterans. My father was a World War II vet, my brother was a Vietnam vet. So my heart is for people - men and women - who serve our country and protect the fabric of our freedom," explains Newsboys frontman Michael Tait.
Find both of the organizations online (Guardian For Heroes here and BeastMode For The Brave here) to keep up with the important work they're doing for Veterans and watch the above clips to hear the heart behind their ministries.