David Dunn Debuts Music Video For New Single 'I Wanna Go Back'
New album 'Yellow Balloons' set to release early 2017
Posted: October 20, 2016, 5:00 PM | Category:New Releases Artist Tags: David Dunn Source: Merge PR
BEC Recordings' David Dunn has debuted the music video for his new single, "I Wanna Go Back," from his forthcoming early 2017 release Yellow Balloons. Click below to watch the music video. This single is currently the No. 2 most added song at AC radio for the second week in a row with 25 adds. Click here to get the single at digital outlets.
"'I Wanna Go Back' is a song of nostalgia, of longing for the time in my life when I didn't believe things to be true, I just knew them as fact," shares Dunn about his new single. "I knew God was huge, I knew that He loved me, and I knew I could do anything, I mean ANYTHING. Then I grew up. I got 'smart' and needed to doubt and question every aspect of what I thought I knew. My brain insisted that God was complicated, and that my relationship to and with God was complicated. And in the end, all my 'what ifs' and 'maybes' actually minimized my own view of what I believed I was capable of...or for that matter, what I thought God was capable of - so I do wanna go back--back to the mentality of the little kid I used to be who knew that faith was simple. It was as easy as 'Jesus loves me, this I know' and 'this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.' I wanna go back."