Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed!,A roadmap to financial prosperity by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed!
A roadmap to financial prosperity
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Finance
Release Date: December 2010

Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed! A roadmap to financial prosperity, was written to assist anyone who wishes to prosper and live the American dream. this book has the ability to be transformative; whether a reader is Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist. Blending humor, personal anecdotes, proverbial wisdom, and biblical references, Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed! is a readable guide towards achieving prosperity throughout life's various stages. Rabbi Celso blends Godly wisdom and common sense, offering practical solutions that the Jewish people have used for thousands of years to build and strengthen their financial standing. He also highlights the pitfalls of many of our culture's poor spending habits, even though they've become accepted practices in today's world. "It makes no sense that someone would volunteer to be a slave, but that's exactly what's happening in the United States today," says Rabbi Celso. "Far too many people are signing up to become slaves to their credit card companies." Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed! is a program of simple, but essential steps that Rabbi Celso believes will forever change the way people look at their finances, and handle their money. He discloses the eternal truths behind the oldest financial system in history, the one that has survived the test of time: the Jewish approach to financial management. The book, designed to offer practical advice that has the ability to lead to prosperity, also serves as a method for improvement in all people. The text discusses a variety of subjects and works to tie in financial and social strategy with the ability to create wealth and lead a positive life founded in solid values, spirituality, and self discipline.

Pages: 145
Format: Paperback
EAN/ISBN: 0982816308
Publisher: Adat Achim

+ Entry lasted edited by booklover on 01.04.11

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Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed | Posted June 27, 2013
This book helped me think about my thinking when it comes to money. I was great at making money, but I had long had the habit of making bad financial decisions due to impatience, an addiction to convenience, and the "disease to please." I knew I needed a game plan, started doing my research, and lo and behold, I found this wonderful book. Rabbi Celso's book shines a light on how the human condition affects finances, namely by explaining the concept of "the angel and the beast." He writes with a sense of power, correction, and connection. I was able to have a solid game plan for my finances when I finished the book. This book helped me get out of my own way, and I know it can help you, too!

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