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Release Date: December 1969

Pages: N/A
Publisher: N/A

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Dekker and Lee at Their Best! | Posted March 27, 2014
Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee (Havah) are probably two of my favorite authors, so finding out that they’d teamed up on a new series was great news. This is the first of The Books of Mortals. I’d read the predictions that this series would rival the Circle Trilogy/Series but seriously doubted that would be possible. After all, those were just epic portrayals of God's master plan for humanity.  Well, maybe the predictions were on to something.

I LOVED THIS BOOK! The violence that sometimes prevents me from finishing a Dekker book was manageable this time (maybe Lee’s feminine touch helped out a bit), and I fell right into this almost-real, almost-fantasy, could-be-the-future setting. The allegory is strong, just like I prefer, and the plot had the characteristic twists and turns that keep us Dekker fans coming back for more. I did predict one major event (a little disappointing), but there were enough sneak attacks to make me feel that I didn’t know what would happen next. I liked that there was a bit of resolution but the journey of Rom and his companions is far from over. I’ll be the first in line for book 2, Mortal.

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The Heart Can Bleed ... | Posted March 27, 2013

In a world as dark and foreboding as the fear that rules it, one man is entrusted with a centuries-old secret and awakened to a life forbidden for half a millennium. Having impulsively ingested a bit of ancient blood with only a cryptic message as his guide, Rom Sebastian discovers an unknown power that lies dormant in every soul. A throng of emotions -- passion, sorrow, hope, love -- beautiful and terrible at once, but so vastly far above the simple life of fear known to every inhabitant of the decomposing earth.

   Now on the run from a fearful government who views him as "out of Order," Rom must choose either to live in the familiar clutches of fear or bravely seek out the truth behind these new emotions. To learn their purpose ... and his.

   Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee serve up a heart-racing thriller that'll engage your every emotion and leave you craving more while digesting a hard-hitting truth. The truth that true life is not one that sits back in pillow-fluffed ease while fearing the future. True life is one of seeking purpose beyond ourselves, no matter what the cost, and no matter what the pain along the way. "Because in life we risk death. ... The heart can bleed. And it will." (Forbidden, page 373)

   Once again, Dekker transports us to an alternate reality to help us better understand our own. Once again, he weaves a climactic tale of romance and redemption to remind us of a certain life-giving blood. Much like the power of that life-giving blood, this is a story that cannot possibly be understood through mere description ... it must be experienced.


While similar in many ways to Dekker's Circle series (and personally, I believe that Thomas Hunter plays an unseen role in this story, *wink, wink*) The Books of Mortals trilogy takes it up a notch on the violence scale. Okay, maybe several notches. (Think head-chopping violence and mega-creepy villains from Green and rack up their frequency a bit.) Also, the spiritual analogies are slightly more vague, at least in this first book of the series. But dig deep and think hard ... the content is rich.

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username2 (375)
Rated 4.5 Stars

A Great Start | Posted October 13, 2012
 Ted Dekker's next big project, The Books of Mortals, begins with Forbidden.  It's a fantastic departure from the run of standard serial killer novels he's been putting out for the past couple of years.  Even though some might find the overall story a bit cliche, I still enjoyed the world that Ted and co-writer Tosca Lee created and enjoyed many of the concepts.  If the remaining two books in the trilogy live up to expectations, this could become the next Circle Series.

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LOVED IT! | Posted August 14, 2012
 This book was amazing! I am a huge fan of Ted Dekker so when this book came out I had to buy it.  It sat on my shelf for awhile before I finally got around to reading it.  When I finally started reading it, I finished it the next day.  It was extremly good and it made me want to read the second book even more.  After reading this book, I decided that I am going to have to go out and buy Tosca's other books.  If they are anywhere near as good as Forbidden was, I may have another favorite author.

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pacemaker (319)
Rated 4 Stars

good book | Posted June 28, 2012
 forbidden is the first book that tosca lee helped cowrite with ted dekker i believe. they both did a great job on this book. it helped open my eyes to tosca lee and eventually led me to reading more by her.

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| Posted June 28, 2012
     So maybe you've read snippets and excerpts of the book and I'm pretty sure you found them interesting. That's how I got interested in this book, so I bought it. Just on the first page, I thought: this book really IS the "real deal!"

     So I was stuck to this book, turning pages and pages and pages. It was action-packed, romantic, poetic, poignant, and emotional (not extremely emotional, though). This is a very thought-provoking book that will make you think a whole lot about our humanity.

     In total, the entire book was amazingly well-done. It was well conceived and well executed. But before you buy this book, I'll have to add that if this book was rated like a movie in terms of age-appropriate content it'd probably be an R. The reason is because it pretty violent, and gets a little sensual at some parts. The violence is not glorified, though. I mean that the violence will make you disgusted with the evil characters.

     This is, to me, already one of the best reads of 2012. Hats off to Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee for a job well done!



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chaiann (21)
Rated 5 Stars

C-A-N-N-O-T W-A-I-T!!!!!!!!!! | Posted June 02, 2011
I cannot wait for this new book!! I devour his books the minute I can get my hands on them and I can tell this one will be the same. I think it will be a really great book because of the unusual setting it takes place in and I love it when authors can get together and create something amazing!

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pacemaker (319)
Rated 5 Stars

great book | Posted April 02, 2011
 forbidden looks like it's going to be a great book. i can't wait for it.

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