Your Best Life Now,7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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Your Best Life Now
7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Audio Books
Release Date: October 2004

Do you often dream of living a more rewarding life? Do you aspire to a better job, a stronger marriage, a happier home? Do you wish for more gratifying relationships with your family and friends? Perhaps you simply want to accomplish more and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

If you are like most people, you have written these goals and dreams on a list that's titled "Tomorrow's To Do."You can't pursue what's truly important to you because your day is crowded by the demands of mundane routines and other people's priorities. How do you break out and experience the full potential that God intended you to have? The answer lies in a simple yet profound process to change the way you think about your life and help you accomplish what's truly important. In this straightforward guide, Joel Osteen gives you a way to improve your life for good and help you experience victory, joy, and satisfaction every day!

Your journey to a brighter future begins with these seven steps:

One: Enlarge your vision
Two: Develop a healthy self-image
Three: Discover the power of your thoughts and words
Four: Let go of the past
Five: Find strength through adversity
Six: Live to give
Seven: Choose to be happy

In this remarkable book, Joel Osteen offers you unique insights and encouragement that will help you overcome every obstacle you may encounter.

Your life has a divine purpose and destiny. As you put the principles found in these pages to work today you will begin living YOUR BEST LIFE NOW!

Pages: N/A
Format: N/A
EAN/ISBN: 9781586216559
Publisher: Time Warner AudioBooks

+ Entry lasted edited by freechristianmusic on 02.25.08

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a book for beginners.... | Posted August 24, 2010
it's a good message about how to think positive, and focus on being a winner in life, but that's not all that being a Christian is about...

this book makes for a good starting point for the new baby Christian, but it's only just merely the 'formula' to sustain them for a short while. in order to become a mature adult Christian, we need to get off the baby formula, and dig into the meat.

if you're looking for a good meaty book that will help strengthen your faith and walk with GOD, i'd strongly recommend you chuck this book, and get something else like, The Ragamuffin Gospel - Brennan Manning, or It's Time To Be Bold - Michael W. Smith, or better yet, just read the Bible!! :D

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