Kingdom's Hope (Kingdom Series #2), by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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Kingdom's Hope (Kingdom Series #2)
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Fiction
Release Date: May 2006

Fairos thought he has sentenced Leinad to death in the Banteen desert. But Leinad returns--a true Knight if the King. His skill with the sword is unmatched this side off the Great Sea and he is determined to free the people from their bondage to Lord Fairos.

Leinad's quest takes him from the chains of slavery, near the jaws of dragons, and close to the arm of love. And when the rest to f the kingdom turns away from the King and the Code, Leinad turns to his most faithful ally, Tess. With her help, Leinad struggles to conquer his own doubt. But he must do so soon, for the King's arch enemy, the Dark Knight, is about to unleash his entire evil force, and only Leinad can stop them.

Journey to Arrethtrae, where the King and His Son implement a bold plan to save their kingdom; where courage, faith and loyalty stand tall in the face of opposition; where good will not bow to evil; where the future of a kingdom is at the threshold of either victory or defeat, one man holds the key. Exciting fiction for teens.

Pages: 160
Format: Paperback
EAN/ISBN: 1590526805
Publisher: Multnomah Books

+ Entry lasted edited by BlackLeopard on 09.24.08

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Better than the first! | Posted December 17, 2008
I absolutely love these books! I think this book is better than the first which is Kingdom's Dawn. Kingdom's Hope is packed full of adventure and excitement.

The story starts out with Leinad (main character) who's gone to fight the evil Fairos. Fairos has enslaved many people including Tess (the girl Leinad likes). Leinad rides to Fairos' castle and has a tiring and hard sword fight with him. Fairos accidentally kills his son in the fight and lets Leinad and the slaves go but Fairos isn't done with them yet! Leinad leads the people to Red Canyon and notices that it's a steep climb down. Fairos sends his men to attack Leinad at the Red Canyon but the King has sent a message to Leinad saying He will deliver them... What happens next? You'll have to read it to find out!

I recommend this series to not only teens but to adults too! :D I have 4 more of these books to read in this wonderful series and I'm looking forward to it.

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Awesome Book; better than first | Posted December 10, 2009
The first book "Kingdom's Dawn" I could put down in various places, but the second book I could not put down IT WAS THAT GOOOOOOD.

This book had it sword fight, its sorrow and it happiness.

Chuck Black Is A gifted writer!

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