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The Lost Get Found by Britt Nicole | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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The Lost Get Found [edit]
by Britt Nicole | Genre: Pop/Rock | Release Date: August 11, 2009

Fresh off the heels of her critically-acclaimed debut album, Say It, rock/pop artist Britt Nicole was back in the studio crafting her highly anticipated sophomore release, The Lost Get Found, in 2009. Filled with high-energy tracks, extremely catchy hooks, top 40 beats and lyrics that delve into the heart of real issues facing the youth of today, The Lost Get Found is an album that has drawn praise from tastemakers, youth, and radio alike.

Carefully constructed as a vessel, The Lost Get Found in Britt’s words is ”... simply about being who we are called to be as Christians, and through that, seeing the lost get found. I believe that when we become who we are called to be, the lost will come to know God. They will see that God is real, and that His love is greater than any problem, any fear, any sickness.”

iTunes includes a bonus remix of "The Lost Get Found".

Track Listing
Click here to add a video. Click to add lyrics if not listed.
01. The Lost Get Found
02. How We Roll
03. Safe
04. Hanging On
05. Headphones
06. Welcome To The Show
07. Walk On The Water
08. Glow
09. Like A Star
10. Feel The Light
11. Have Your Way
12. The Lost Get Found (Remix) (iTunes Bonus Track)

Entry last edited by CCMSingles on 04.07.16

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Britt Nicole [The Lost Get Found] | Posted August 11, 2009
Fresh off the heels of her critically-acclaimed debut album, “Say It”, which featured the hit songs “You”, “Believe” and “Set The World On Fire”, Britt Nicole is back with her highly anticipated sophomore release, “The Lost Get Found” on August 11th. Britt is one of my favorite new female artists and has an incredible heart for her ministry and an excellent singing voice. If you like Krystal Meyers, Natalie Grant, Francesca Battistelli and pureNRG, then you’ll love Britt Nicole.

The first single and title track from the album is already making waves on Christian radio while on the road and with her youth group in Tennessee, Britt Nicole continues to touch lives of our youth directly through her songs and her message. “The Lost Get Found” in Britt’s words is ”... simply about being who we are called to be as Christians, and through that, seeing the lost get found. I believe that when we become who we are called to be, the lost will come to know God. They will see that God is real, and that His love is greater than any problem, any fear, any sickness.” I have to admit that this is one of my most played songs of the year. It has a catchy upbeat tempo and has a very convicting message. In essence it is like a sequel to Britt’s hit song “Set The World On Fire” which challenges listeners to live in the Holy Spirit with the lyrics “Lord with You there’s nothing I cannot do”. “The Lost Get Found” is a wonderful song of encouragement to live as a light and know that in Christ we can do anything. God will never fail us or forsake us until the work of the Lord is finished. So, as Britt asks in the song: “when you get the chance, are you gonna take it?”

Britt's favorite scripture is 1 Chronicles 28:20 which she says reminds her daily of God's calling on her life.

“How We Roll” keeps the upbeat tempo going in the style of Britt’s hit song “Believe”. “Safe” is next and has that sincere autobiographical style that I’ve come to really love about Britt’s albums in the style of “Set The World On Fire”. It is a great ballad and Britt seems poised to pick up where she left off with “Say It” with a great mix of different styles, heating up and cooling down with every song a great showcase of Britt’s excellent singing voice. “Hanging On” is another highlight and I keep coming back to the great personal nature of the song. “Headphones” for me is the “Holiday” of this album and has a great electronic feel similar to “Love It Away” by Krystal Meyers. “Welcome To The Show” is another dance-style song and has a another electronic beat and will surely be a crowd pleaser at Britt’s concerts.

“Walk On The Water” is another worship anthem where Britt urges believers “don’t be afraid to move, if faith is all it takes, then you can walk on the water too”. “Glow” is another catchy song with a reference to Matthew 5:15-16 that we can “glow, turn the lights down, so that we can show something real, like a city on a hill”. “Like A Star” keeps that theme going shining like a star in the sky equating God, the light of the world, with how we are called by Jesus to also be a light.

The album closes with two excellent ballads, “Feel The Light” and “Have Your Way”. Both songs showcase Britt’s amazing vocal talent and she bookends her excellent album with another personal crying out to God in “Have Your Way” with the lyrics: “stop searching for the answers, but I’ll trust You God and believe that you’ll have Your way”.

“The Lost Get Found” is a great and catchy album by Britt Nicole. The title track, “Safe”, “Hanging On”, “Headphones”, “Walk On The Water” and “Have Your Way” are my favorite songs on the album. Along with “Life Light Up” by Christy Nockels this is my top album by a female artist and one of my top overall albums of the year. If you liked “Relentless” by Natalie Grant and “My Paper Heart” by Francesca Battistelli, then you’ll love “The Lost Get Found” by Britt Nicole.

Rating: 9.2 out of 10 (92%, A-)

Review written by: Kevin Davis | Review can also be found here.

This review has been reprinted on NRT with permission from ChristianMusicReview.org. Click here to visit ChristianMusicReview.org today!

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Pop fans, watch out! There’s a new girl on the scene and her music is hot, hot, hot! Well, Britt Nicole isn’t exactly a “new” artist, having released her debut Say It to a good amount of critical acclaim two years ago. But with less grungy rock, more slick pop and verses that delve a little further into issues that plague young women in America today, this may be Britt Nicole all grown up.

Don’t get me wrong. The Top 40 beats, hooky refrains and upbeat demeanor still shine prominently throughout, but you can say goodbye to the dark locks and bright-colored hoodies of yesteryear. This go-round, Nicole tames her inner rocker chick and steps up the ladylike charm, personified perfectly by her beguiling stare-down cover shot. Not that the album’s jacket always dictates the music within, but for Nicole, The Lost Get Found is a subtle makeover.

With an affective, radio-ready chorus that urges listeners to reclaim the fire of faith, the title track is a perfect example of Nicole’s hip, meaningful pop. Revealing our unwillingness to step out and make a difference for Christ, the lyrics honestly ask: “When you get the chance, are you gonna take it?/There’s a really big world at your fingertips/And you know you have the chance to change it… Don’t be afraid to stand out/That’s how the lost get found.”

Oscillating between vulnerable tracks that vocalize the struggle to surrender to God and sunny tunes of sheer fun, The Lost Get Found is an attractive set list. And though the lyrics may be a bit vague at times, this is pop music, and excellent pop music at that. —Andrew Greer

This review has been reprinted on NRT with permission from CCMMagazine.com. Click here to visit CCMMagazine.com today!

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Nathan (188)

The Skinney | Posted August 10, 2009
Coming off of a popular debut project (Say It) and a pair of hit singles (“You” and “Set The World On Fire”) Britt Nicole is back offering her second project, The Lost Get Found which sounds like many of her peers while still containing solid production. The hit single and title track stands out because of the fusion of youthful pop and a refined contemporary style while sharing the message to stand out and share the love of Christ. Full of infectious tunes like the electronically hip-hop influenced “How We Roll” and “Glow” The Lost Get Found also offers a nice mix of emotionally changed ballads like the soft “Have Your Way” and the light pop track “Hanging On.”

Despite the albums present sound, Nicole doesn’t offer anything original except recycled Krystal Meyer’s-esque tunes like the catchy “Welcome to The Show” and the fun “Headphones.” Even though Nicole’s voice is able to turn the attention away from the often cheesy lyrics, when the shallow messages come out they are not flattering to her songwriting skills ("So put ‘em u-u-up/We’re gonna have some f-u-u-n/Turn up the bass let it b-u-u-mp."). While not a perfect album, The Lost Get Found will certainly appeal to those who dig upbeat chick-pop without a desire for really deep lyrics.

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Amazing | Posted September 26, 2010
I love this CD! I gave to all my friends to listen and download. They all love it as much as I do. My favorite song is Welcome to the Show. I hope that everyone sees the message in it and loves it too! : )

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Britt deliver's the message of Jesus, with style | Posted August 14, 2009
From Britt Nicole, comes her sophomore project, "The Lost Get Found".

One of this Summer's most anticipated album's. Britt Nicole does not disappoint. With her unique vocal’s, she bring's fresh lyric's.

The album open's with the titled track, "The Lost Get Found". A song about not being afraid to share your faith with other's, not being afraid to step out, and reach those in need of a Savior.

"Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire burn out
'Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe
Why don't you rise up now?
Don't be afraid to stand out
That's how the lost get found
The lost get found

"Safe" is a song about not being afraid of God's love for you. It's about surrender, surrendering to love, and not being afraid to love.

"Hanging On" is a little up beat. It's about "Hanging On" to every word God speaks, not letting go even when you're at the toughest time in your life.

"Headphones" is an up beat song that makes you just want to dance! The song reflects on tough times. When you feel alone, (as the chorus say's) put on your headphones.

"Anytime you feel alone, put on your headphones
Love, love’s coming through your headphones
Anytime you feel alone, put on your headphones
Love, love’s coming through your headphones

When you feel that no one is around, God is their.

"Love is here, it came to dry up all your tears
Oh, can you feel it
Gotta believe it, gotta see it
By your side in the middle of the night

"Welcome to the show" is another up beat song that makes you want to dance. I love the opening music. It start's slow, and then it's all the way up beat. The song reflects losing control of your life, and letting God take over. The chorus say's

"Hands high like a roller coaster
This love is taking over
Take us higher here we go
Oh, oh, oh
Welcome to the show
Gravity we’re defying
‘Cause we were made for flying
We’re about to lose control
Welcome to the show

"Walk On Water" would have to be one of my absolute favorite song's from this album. It's about not being afraid, and moving in faith. It's also about, completely trusting in God, and knowing that He will be their, when You "Walk On The Water". He will not let You fall.

"So what are you waiting for
What do you have to lose
Your insecurities
They try to hold to you
But you know you’re made for more
So don’t be afraid to move
Your faith is all it takes
And you can walk on the water too

"Glow" is another up beat song. It's about glowing for God in the darkness.

"Oh, oh
Turn the lights down so we can
Glow, glow
Watch us come alive
We’re gonna
Show you something real
Like a city on a hill
Oh, oh
We’re gonna glow

"Feel The Light" is a song about surrendering to God, feeling His light. About letting go of all the fear, and shame. It's about stopping from running away, and just letting God inside. This song is another one of my favorite's.

"Have Your Way" is my absolute favorite song, off this entire album. It's about a beautiful surrender. It's about struggling with thing's that are going on in your life, and struggles with God. But in the end, there must be surrender. It's about telling God, to let His will be done, and have His way, with you. It's about stopping, to try and have your OWN way.

"So I’ll stop searching for the answers
I’ll stop praying for an escape
And I’ll trust You God with where I am
And believe that You will have Your way
Just have Your way
Just have Your way

Musically, lyrically, and of course, vocally, this album is all around good. And one of the best album's of the year. Britt deliver's the message of Jesus in a stylish way. I highly recommend this album You will not be disappointed.


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Abi_Jo18 (18)

The Lost Get Found! | Posted July 30, 2013
What can I say........... Britt Nicole is by far the best female Christian  vocalist out there! Her album, the lost get found is probably the best album in my opinion! :) Her songs are full of inspiration and happiness! I love Her songs, Lost Get Found, Headphones, Welcome to the Show and Glow! They are all so amazing!! BN fans need to get this album if they havent already!

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The Lost Get Found - Britt Nicole | Posted June 23, 2013
The Lost Get Found is a popular and fun album from Britt Nicole with great messages and groovy music.

The title song, 'The Lost Get Found' is classic Britt. It talks about us being a light in a dark world, and has an amazing beat. Best line- "There's a world at your finger tips and you know you have the chance to change it". 

'How We Roll' is a cleverly styled song. It's got some runs and cool rifs.

Moving on a bit, 'Hanging On' is a song I love. It's about God guiding you. It's about listening to him; having him show you the way. It's one of those which deeply hangs on your heart, but it's still cheerful.

'Headphones' is the story for those of us who sometimes feel alone. Music is honestly the best escape, and the song clearly reflects that. It's so perky and upbeat, and totally tells the truth. 'Love is coming through your headphones'. Watch the music video as well if you get a chance.

I freak out over 'Welcome to the Show'. It's nearly rock, very electric, and totally awesome. One of those lively songs.

'Walk On Water' is beautiful. Most of her songs are, but this one is just stunning. 

Next up are 'Glow' and 'Like a Star'. Those are both electric sounding. Ones you love to move to, sink in, and enjoy as dance music.

Skipping to the final song, 'Have Your Way', everything will tie together for you. I used to cry when I listened to this song. Seriously. It's a song to God, and it's absolutely lovely. The way the song is sung so quietly, and the soft piano makes this like a prayer. It's one of the best.

I love how encouraging Britt's songs are. I always feel stronger after listening to them. Such an encouraging album! You won't be disapointed.

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Amazing! | Posted October 28, 2011
I just love this cd! It's amazing! My sister got it for me for Christmas and I just love it! All the songs have something to do with God, even if it doesn't sound like it. That's why I love it so much. If you don't have it, get it!

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"Lost Get Found" catches hearts of many | Posted June 12, 2011
The Lost Get Found, the sophomore album of Britt Nicole, is definitely worth getting. The opening song "The Lost Get Found" is a very catchy and upbeat song. It encourages you to share your faith with others. "How We Roll" is a song that says that sometimes you just have to leave work behind and have fun in life.

"Safe" gives the message that when life gets hard,  turn to God's love. His love is safe and you should run from it. "Hanging On" says that we have to hang onto God's every word, not letting go through the worst.

"Headphones" is a song that says you shouldn't be afraid to be yourself. (And if you feel alone, put on your headphones). "Welcome to the Show" is an upbeat song that says we have to let go of life and let God's love take over.

"Walk on the Water" is such an encouraging song. It says to step out and do what you were called to do, even if you are afraid, because God is with you.

"Glow" says that in darkness, light overcomes, and that God's love shines the brightest. "Like A Star" says that His love shines like a star in the sky, and that it can be seen in us.

"Feel The Light" is a slower-paced song about giving up your life and your past to God and letting him into your life. "Have Your Way" is my personal favorite. It says that in the hardest times in life, we want God to have his way, not our way.

After sharing Britt's music with friends, I can easily say that they have become closer to God. Not only has her music helped me stay with God through hard times, but my close friends. And that has made all the difference. Every song on this album is so easily relatable and is so encouraging to walking with Jesus. I highly recommend this album.

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chaiann (21)

Complete Awesomeness!!! | Posted May 31, 2011
I LOVE this cd! It has such a great message set to fun current music. She has a way of reaching out to this generation but still keeping her identity as a Christian. She is a real inspiration and an amazing artist. I now want all the rest of her cds. Go check them out if you haven't already!

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