"Up On The Mountain," the latest single from acclaimed singer/songwriter, chaplain and popular podcaster Rick Lee Jamess. A folk/rock ballad depicting Elijah's encounter with God on Mount Horeb, the track articulates a universal longing for divine guidance and reassurance in times of crisis.
"It's powerful to recognize that even when the world is in chaos, God often shows up as a gentle whisper, not with fanfare," James explains. "He arrives at the disasters in our lives quietly, in utter silence, bringing peace and stillness. That's the essence of God's sovereignty—a non-anxious whisper speaking, 'Peace, be still,' into the most significant storms we can ever face."
"So often we live life amid metaphorical winds, earthquakes and fires, running from one crisis to the next," he adds. "I hope this song encourages others to slow down, be present, and listen to God. Elijah's encounter shows us a God who never arrives as chaos, but as order in chaos."
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