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Unraveling by Shelly Moore | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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Unraveling [edit]
by Shelly Moore | Genre: AC/Inspo | Release Date: November 13, 2012

With the release of her fourth studio album, "Unraveling," North Carolina native Shelly Moore offers an achingly hopeful collection of songs that display a depth of lyric writing and musical creativity. The soothing melodies, eclectic instrumentation, and background vocals makes Unraveling engaging and enjoyable with each listen.

Produced by Jason Hoard, Unraveling is the sonic representation of Moore's diverse musical palette. From the mystery and wonder invoking "Anchor," to the hopeful, pop sound of "Unraveling," to the worship response of a heart beholding her Savior in "Hymn 27" and "Turn Your Eyes", this new project inspires hope and wonder.

Track Listing
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01. Anchor
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02. To Our God
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03. Redeemed Ones
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04. Hymn 27
05. Unraveling
06. Ready
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07. Tie That Binds
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08. Crown Him
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09. Turn Your Eyes
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10. Stay The Night
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Entry last edited by KevinDavis_NRT on 12.12.12

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Shelly Moore [Unraveling] | Posted December 15, 2012
Shelly Moore is a great independent artist who recently released her fourth album, Unraveling. The album contains ten new vibrant and insightful songs that she penned for her album, produced by Jason Hoard. The album opens with the standout song “Anchor” which showcases not only Shelly’s gifts as a songwriter, but her shimmering, emotion-laden voice. The song opens with the compelling lyrics, “Hold me like a clam protects its pearl through every wave and tumble and crash upon the sand, only opening when true love is mine, and I am His.” The album is loaded with that type of profound lyrical truth as Shelly tenderly sings to her “Anchor,” Jesus. Throughout the song she asks “What Love is this?” which is a worshipful response to her Savior. Her next song “To Our God” is a great reminder the Lord is ready for us to approach His throne of grace. James 4:8 promises that when we draw near to God, He WILL draw near to us. Shelly ends the song with these beautiful words, “I looked and saw this Perfect Man, the One whom I was sure had died, Risen now in radiant splendor, no longer dead or crucified.” Amen. Right from the opening notes of “Redeemed Ones,” you’ll be captivated by the melody and message of this amazing song. The strong biblical message “Called us daughters, called us sons, we are Your redeemed ones” comes right from 2 Corinthians 6:18 where God promises: “I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the LORD Almighty.”

“Hymn 27” is a standout song, written in the style of David’s Psalm 27 where David cries out: Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice! Have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.” Shelly's worshipful response throughout the song is “Alleluia.” The song could be added to church worship services with the vertical lyrics. Title track “Unraveling” is my favorite song on the album. Shelly sings this tender and prayerful ballad directly to God, “You have taken me apart at the seams, You have brought me to where I am on my last string, unraveling” which leads to the encouraging chorus: “I’ve heard You say wait for a better day, there is purpose even in the midst of this, and just as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, I’ll get you through the night.” God’s promises us in His Word that His mercies are new every morning. Whatever struggle or depression you are facing you can know that God is with you, always. “Ready” is a faith statement and commitment to Jesus, “I will choose this day Whom I will serve, show where my allegiance lies, and fight this fight, I want to be ready.”  

“Tie That Binds” is an upbeat song and declares the truth that “we are bound in this time, to love to love.” “Crown Him” is another prayer song that proclaims “Holy is the Lamb who was slain, Holy is the Lion who reigns.” After the gorgeous and moving hymn re-write of “Turn Your Eyes” this excellent “gourmet” album ends with “Stay The Night” which is very relatable to listeners, especially for those who struggle with loneliness, insecurity, anxiety and perfectionism. We are called as Christians to believe in the freedom that we have in the Cross of Jesus. We are free from our fears, addictions, insecurities and perfectionism. Jesus came to die for us so that we can all truly live in Him.


Shelly Moore has pure and strong vocals that remind me of Christa Wells and Audrey Assad who are my favorite female vocalists of all time. I haven’t heard an album that has struck me like this album since Heart by Audrey Assad. “Anchor,” “Redeemed Ones,” “Hymn 27,” “Unraveling” and “Stay The Night” are all stand-out tracks filled with overwhelming biblical truth. Shelly has captivating and catchy songs filled with inspirational lyrics. For me, Shelly brings sincerity and relatable themes that get deeper with each listen. My favorite albums are the ones that continue to provide new revelations over time by savoring them. This album has already done that for me. If you are looking for one of the top female solo albums of the year, then look no further than Unraveling. I’m sure it will continue to challenge, inspire and move me. This is truly a great album and an uplifting worship experience.

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