New Release of Original Material from Shane and Shane
Posted July 26, 2021
By BPence,
I was introduced to the worship duo Shane and Shane (Shane Barnard and Shane Everett) at the 2018 Getty worship conference Sing! For the time that I have followed them, the duo has released projects covering hymns and modern worship songs. Their last album of original material was 2015’s Psalms Vol. 2. Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Vol. 1 is a welcome return to original material, and it’s one of my favorite releases of 2021 thus far. The thirteen modern hymns are consistently excellent. It was hard to pick my favorites.
The album’s title comes from Colossians 3:16:
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Here are a few brief comments about each song:
Psalm 42 (Loudest Praise) – This song was written by Shane Barnard and Bryan Fowler. The song, which starts slow and builds, features acoustic guitar, backing vocals, drums, bass and organ.
Key lyrics:
Come thou fount of living water
Tune my heart to bless Your Name
Streams of trouble never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
My Portion – This song was written by Shane Barnard, Bryan Fowler and Grayson Kessenich. Our heart and flesh may fail, but Jesus is our portion. The song, which gently builds, features strings, piano, guitar, bass and backing vocals.
Key lyrics:
Yet no thought so precious
So full of joy to me
Is this Thou art my portion
And shalt forever be
Psalm 90 (Satisfy Us with Your Love) – This song was written by Shane Barnard. The song is a prayer, which builds powerfully, features piano, backing vocals, organ, guitar, bass, drums and a choir.
Key lyrics:
When the sun comes up, satisfy us
Before the day has passed us by
Before our hearts forget all Your goodness
Satisfy us with Your Love
Hallelujah, Christ Will Come Again – This song was written by Shane Barnard, Robbie Seay and James Tealy. The song features guitar, backing vocals, organ, drums, bass, and builds powerfully with a choir. The chorus uses the “Memorial Acclamation”.
Key lyrics:
Christ has died
Christ is risen
Hallelujah, Christ will come again
Psalm 8 (How Majestic Is Your Name) – This song was written by Shane Barnard. The song, which builds powerfully, features keys, piano, guitar, backing vocals, bass and a choir.
Key lyrics:
So we'll sing of Your name
Live our lives for Your greatness, oh God
And Your glory and honor
Only There – This song was written by Shane Barnard, Bryan Fowler and Grayson Kessenich. The song, which builds powerfully, features keys, piano, backing vocals, guitar, bass, drums and choir.
Key lyrics:
Only there, only there
Love and mercy flow for me
Only there, only there
Can I find my rest in Thee
Song in the Night – This song was written by Shane Barnard and Adam Westlake. The song features bass, drums, keys, guitar and backing vocals.
Key lyrics:
I will cling to the lover of my soul
Letting go of the rudder in the storm
I will call on the name of the Lord
You're my song in the night
Oh, Jesus Christ
Psalm 84 (I'm Home) – This song was written by Shane Barnard, Jimmy Needham and Bryan Fowler. The song, which builds powerfully, features keys, piano, backing vocals, guitar, bass, drums and a choir.
Key lyrics:
When I sit at Your table
I am right where I belong
In the doorway of my Father's house
I'm home
How Awesome Is Your Love – This song was written by Shane Barnard and Grayson Kessenich. This joyful song features acoustic guitar, drums, bass and backing vocals.
Key lyrics:
Your love, Your love
How deep, oh, how wide
And oh, my soul is satisfied
Your love, Your love
Is better than life
Living Water – This upbeat song was written by Shane Barnard and Bryan Fowler. The song features drums, guitar, backing vocals and a choir. We can never have too much of God’s love.
Key lyrics:
Living water
Deep within me
Saturate my soul
Like a river
Break the levee
Let it overflow
Greatest Love I've Ever Known – This song was written by Shane Barnard and Bryan Fowler. The song features keys, bass, acoustic and electric guitar, drums, and backing vocals. The song samples Isaac Watts’ hymn “Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed”.
Key lyrics:
With open arms
Upon the cross
You paid it all
At the highest cost
You gave Your life
To save my soul
Oh Jesus, You're the great love I've ever known
Steadfast Love – This song was written by Shane Bernard and Robbie Seay. The song features keys, acoustic guitar, backing vocals, bass, strings, drums and piano.
Key lyrics:
Your steadfast love never ceases
Your goodness God
Calling me to rest
Your mercy just when I need it
How great is Your faithfulness
Your Nearness – This song was written by Shane Barnard and Bryan Fowler. The song features acoustic and guitar, keys, bass, organ, drums and backing vocals. The song concludes with a nice instrumental section.
Key lyrics:
Your nearness
Oh, Your nearness
Is my good
Best songs
Psalm 42 (Loudest Praise)
Psalm 90 (Satisfy Us with Your Love)
Psalm 8 (How Majestic Is Your Name)
Only There
How Awesome is Your Love
Living Water
Steadfast Love
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