Join in the Freedom
Posted October 01, 2012
By KellyS, Staff Reviewer
Church of the Highlands--located in Birmingham, Ala.--has an awesome worship ministry, as evidenced of their latest album, Place Of Freedom. Recorded live, each song lifts up the name of Jesus and brings the listener into a time of pure worship to the only One deserving of our praise.
First track, "We Are," starts out quiet and slow as you can hear the audience clapping with the drumbeat. As the song progresses to the chorus, the tone becomes more energetic and uplifting as the worship leader sings, "We are called to be Your hands and feet / We are set free, moving to the rhythm of Your heartbeat / We are the children of the light for the world to see / We are." This is a great song for a church to sing as one, as a reminder that we are unified under the common goal of being Jesus to the world.
"Emmanuel" describes the characteristics of God as the female vocalist sings, "Emmanuel / You are gracious / Slow to anger / Rich in love / Compassionate / You are faithful / God with us." Sometimes we forget how unique God is in that He possesses every good quality in its perfect state. The tone of this track is quiet and contemplative with mostly guitar and piano, but towards the end, the energy builds in recognition of Who God is.
Final song and title track, "Place Of Freedom," begins with just the notes of a piano and as the first verse is sung, you can feel the audience singing with anticipation of each word. The worship leader sings the chorus as the audience sings along, "I'm gonna lift my hands 'til I can reach heaven / I'm gonna shout Your name 'til the walls come falling down / I've come to worship." Without even being there, you can feel the genuine desire of each voice to worship God with all of their being.
Closing Thoughts:
The worship team at Church of the Highlands knows how to worship and their latest release, Place Of Freedom proves it. The entire album ebbs and flows from high energy songs of celebration, to slower, contemplative tracks that lead listeners into quiet times of worship. With a variety of worship leaders, giving their own unique voice to each song, Place Of Freedom is a must-have for anyone desiring new tunes for their personal worship times. View All Music And Book Reviews By KellyS | View KellyS's Profile