Invasion, (C.H.A.O.S. Series #1) by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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(C.H.A.O.S. Series #1)
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Teens
Release Date: November 2011

He didn't ask to be a hero, but now all that stands between us and chaos . . . is Colt.

Colt McAlister was having the summer of his life. He spent his days surfing and his nights playing guitar on the beach with friends. He even met a girl and got his first car. But everything changes when his parents are killed in a freak accident.

He's forced to leave his old life behind and move to Arizona with his grandfather. The only person he knows at the new high school is a childhood friend named Dani. And Oz, a guy he's sure he's never met but who is strangely familiar.

But what if his parents' death wasn't an accident? His mother, an investigative reporter, was going to expose a secret mind-control program run by one of the world's largest companies. Before she could release the story, what if agents from Trident Biotech made sure she couldn't go public?

Vowing to uncover truth, Colt is drawn into a secret world of aliens, shapeshifters, flying motorcycles, and invisible getaways.

The invasion has begun.

Pages: 336
Format: Paperback
EAN/ISBN: 9781401685423
Publisher: Thomas Nelson

+ Entry lasted edited by bigsandwich6 on 07.01.12

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Great, Exciting Start to the Series | Posted July 01, 2012

As an 8th grade language arts teacher, I'm always looking for good Young Adult books, particularly ones that will appeal to the boys.  Invasion, the first in the C.H.A.O.S. Trilogy, hits the mark.  The book is about a 16 year old named Colt McAlister, who's parents die in mysterious circumstances.  He is sent to live with his grandfather, who may or may not be the famous Phantom Flyer, a real-life comic book hero from World War II.  Along the way, Colt joins up with Oz, Danielle, and romances Lily, all while trying to uncover an alien conspiracy.  It's an exciting and fast-paced introduction to the series.

The story combines all the best elements of sci-fi movies, superhero comics, pop culture, and the "hero's journey" story.  I kept envisioning Colt's adventures as a tv show, possibly a cartoon.  The writing is crisp and the characters begin to show some depth as the story moves along.  There is an ending to this story, but you'll want to pick up the next book as soon as it comes out.  Colt's quest and purpose is far from over.

Finally, this book is published by Thomas Nelson.  It has some subtle Christian themes, perfect to support the morals it's heroes try to adhere to. 

I recommend this book to sci-fi, action, superhero fans of all ages, but particulary middle school boys.  I look forward to it's sequels.

I received a copy of this book from Thomas Nelson in exchange for my honest review.

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