Lucy Finds Her Way, by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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Lucy Finds Her Way
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Fiction
Release Date: August 2009

Lucy Rooney is a feisty, precocious tomboy who questions everything—even God. It’s not hard to see why: a horrible accident killed her mother and blinded her father, turning her life upside down. It will take a strong but gentle housekeeper—who insists on Bible study along with homework—to show Lucy that there are many ways to become the woman God intends her to be. Aunt Karen is taking over Lucy’s life—what’s left of it. Middle school is hard enough, with a new set of teachers and kids and preparing for the big soccer tryouts. But now Aunt Karen has moved in, imposing wardrobe inspections, threatening to get rid of the cats, and trying to be the world’s original soccer mom. It takes all Lucy’s got just to cope. When J.J. and Januarie are abducted by their father, Lucy mobilizes everyone to find them. Lucy’s a good detective—but she ends up a hostage too. In the fourth and last installment in the Lucy Novels, Lucy must depend on an unlikely ally to find her way out of this mess and in life.

Pages: 192
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Zonderkidz

+ Entry lasted edited by Prism on 01.19.10

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Prism (16)
Rated 5 Stars

Awesome! | Posted January 20, 2010
Lucy Finds Her Way by Nancy Rue is the continuation of the adventures in the life of Lucy Rooney as she faces new challenges including starting middle school, her dad being away, and her meddling Aunt Karen taking over Lucy’s life.
Just when Lucy thought she was beginning to understand her life, things have to drastically change. Aunt Karen moves in while her dad is away at a school for the blind, and Lucy is left to face the start of middle school. It doesn’t take long for Lucy to fall in the opinion of the popular kids, and Lucy’s best friend, J.J., becomes a prime target for bullying. On top of all of that unpleasantness, Lucy fights to keep her soccer dream of getting onto the Olympic Development Program alive. It may be hard getting through the new challenges, but with Inez, her housekeeper, Bible studies, and God, Lucy finds her way.
I have nothing but praise for Lucy Finds Her Way. Nancy Rue is so skilled in bringing a tween or teen character’s life seem so real, and the things Lucy faces in this book are written in a way that readers can learn lessons with eating up the adventures of Lucy Rooney. In this book, the biblical woman featured is Mary, the mother of Jesus. Lucy learns yet another lesson in the life of a woman of the Bible, and readers will be able to discover truths along with Lucy.
All in all, I highly recommend this book to gals nine and up.

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