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Release Date: December 1969

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Green by Ted Dekker | Posted May 05, 2012

For me this was the first book in the series I read. In fact, my first Dekker book ever. I thoroughly engaged with it and loved it.  I was initially confused by all the switching characters and such but once I had that down, I dove in.

I love the storyline. After reading all the books in the series, this is my second favourite - Red being top. I love the symmetry with Genesis!

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Impressive series. | Posted April 17, 2011
Never been a big reader, kind of tend to fall asleep when I try. Not many authors can write a book that keeps my attention, but Ted is one of them. The mystery and story line really keep me wanting to keep reading, and stay awake.

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pacemaker (319)
Rated 5 Stars

great book | Posted April 02, 2011
green is a great conclusion to a great trilogy. 

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username2 (375)
Rated 4.5 Stars

4.5/5 | Posted July 19, 2010
5 years and 12 books later, the Books of History Chronicles concludes with Green. Green serves to bring the Circle Trilogy, the Project Showdown trilogy, and the Lost Books series together and Dekker does that very well. Characters from all of those books appear in Green and are all vitally important to how the events play out. Ted tells us in a little forward that he envisioned a series that would be circular (meaning the last book would end where the first book began hence creating a circular story,) which is no easy feat to pull off. But Ted managed to pull it off and offered us a satisfying conclusion to the events that were built up in the previous books. The ending will probably divide some people into a love it group or a hate it group. I personally loved the ending. My only complaint is that I did not like the way how Ted chose to just stop events happening on present day earth. This ends up bringing up a big plot hole that doesn't get resolved. Green ends up being a very good conclusion to the series that put Ted Dekker in the minds of many people. Even though Ted says that people could read the books in any order, I would personally suggest that The Circle Trilogy be read first and Green last.

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amazing, until..... | Posted May 28, 2010
ok,, so i love the circle "trilogy"(?) :P definitely one of my favorite series of all times... Ted's writing is amazing,, and this book's storyline was amazing... until the very end.. the ending seemed rushed and desperate to "finish the circle". The series didn't need to be a circle.. It could have just ended. :P

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Okay. :I | Posted February 28, 2010
I liked this book, but I think it could have been a little better. The book is very descriptive and in some parts it was a little too descriptive. It is kinda dark in some places too. It does say how Thomas got into the Black Forest and lost his memory. But I think that part could have been better. I thought the ending was pretty sucky too. I don't think this was one of Dekker's BEST books, but it explains a lot.

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Amazing... | Posted February 05, 2010
The Circle trilogy was amazing, and this book finishes the loop. The entire book was filled with action. I read this book after I read the other three, but this book can also be read as a starter for the series. This book is very dark, so I would not suggest it for younger readers. But if you are mature I would defiently suggest this series.

This series explains how Thomas Hunter got to the Black Forest and many other things. I would say more but I don't want to give away the story.

Defiently one of my favorite books.

~ Under0ath

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DrJ (12)
Rated 1 Stars

Looks like i stand alone... | Posted February 03, 2010
i hate to be the only guy that didn't like this book, but i'm gonna go ahead and speak my mind...
Ted Dekker is amazing. his books are all action packed, written with incredible plots and complex characters! the Circle Trilogy is easily one of the greatest trilogies ever written, ranked up with the Lord of the Rings trilogy. but i thought Green was pretty lame.
for one thing, the Circle trilogy was fine without having Green "complete" it! it had enough of a beginning and end to leave the reader feeling satisfied. but Green was the connecting piece and left you feeling like you'd just read a book with no beginning and no end! (which, in fact, you did!)
and even that woulnd't necessarily have made it bad. but it was so dark and full of the villains sick acts of evil that it just gave the book an evil feel all the way to just before the ending. the other books he's written had plenty of dark and evil characters doing bad-guy stuff, but he always had a balance with good-guy stuff and justice in the ending! you don't get that in Green. (i'm not going into much detail so i don't spoil any plot for the readers)
all in all, i thought this book just tainted an otherwise perfect trilogy and left you feeling like you were stuck in a loop. he had successfully made a looped story before without this book and adding it made you feel unsatisfied.
i love Ted Dekker as much as the next fan, but was very disappointed by this book. so if you're reading this Mr. Dekker, sorry. i still think you're awesome!


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An excellent all-around novel | Posted October 15, 2009
Green is Dekker’s all-encompassing work of art, tying the somewhat legendary Circle Trilogy (Black, Red, White, Green) together. Thomas Hunter, famed army general of the fleeing albinos in the desert, has a son named Samuel Hunter, who has his own slightly misguided ideas of what to do with the savage Horde, who over the past fifteen years have targeted and ruthlessly murdered albinos who bathed in Elyon’s healing red lakes. The Horde possess the loathsome skin disease and are known less professionally as the Scabs, because of the horrid skin condition. Monique de Raison of twenty-first century earth meets a mysterious man called Billy who is obsessed with finding and using the powerful hidden vial of Thomas’ blood. Kara Hunter, Thomas’ sister from the present world, and Janae, Monique’s willful daughter, are also present. Enter into the strange world of the Circle Trilogy, and discover Dekker’s uncanny ability to capture the imagination in the most vivid ways. As the other novels in the Circle Trilogy, Green is not for the very young because of gruesome violence and harsh cruelty. But for the reader daring to explore Ted’s strange world of fantasy, Green is a must-read. The writing style is nearly faultless and Dekker uses all the correct words. Another stunning and provocative novel by Ted Dekker.

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apage14 (12)
Rated 4 Stars

Dekker Didn't Disappoint | Posted October 12, 2009
I read the Circle Trilogy several months ago, maybe even a year ago. I had no idea what to expect from Green because the previews said that it would be, "The beginning, and the end." However, I thought the book was pretty good, however predictable at times - the foreshadowing was a little TOO obvious. I would recommend it to those who have read the Circle trilogy already, but would tell first-time Dekker readers to read the trilogy before diving into Green.

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