VERSES is a Christian Electronic trio from Newcastle, Australia. Whilst all members of the band have much experience in other genres of music, they have made their way into this particular group through the avenue of 'calling' as much as passion. VERSES was birthed out of a conviction that Luke, the key songwriter of the group, had after trying to grasp the meaning of many of the lyrics to modern Christian Music. So whilst on a trip, taken by the three, to NYC in the summer of 2013 the songwriting process began. There was so much about the city and the spiritual journey they were on that caused them to write the "modern day memory verse".
The vision for the band is simply, to put scripture back into song but without loosing any of the quality of the music. Luke says "we want our music to be able to stand next to any song on secular radio and be as good or if not better than what is being played". VERSES believes that God's word is powerful and that when it is sent out, it will do exactly what it was sent to do. With that in mind, the trio have endeavoured to make all of their music free, releasing their songs only through free streaming or downloading platforms.
Its members are Luke O'Dea, Jess Clayton O'Dea and Joel O'Dea are all are related - Luke and Jess are married whilst Joel and Luke are brothers. Luke, along with producer Steve, have created the sound of VERSES with Luke remaining the key writer of the tracks. Joel and Jess are the featured vocalist and together create the visual aspects of the band and merchandise.
As a live act, the trio is energetic and authentic in their worship. Their heart is to engage their audiences in order for them to engage with God. They are currently touring the USA on their second US Tour and will be featured in some of the largest Christian Festivals in the world.