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NY2LA by Press Play  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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NY2LA [edit]
by Press Play | Genre: Pop/Rock | Release Date: August 24, 2010

Press Play's debut didn't do much in the way of providing a good album for music fans. Their message and ministry is extremely admirable, but I couldn't help but dismiss it quickly after listening. NY2LA, however, is a definite step up for the band. Whereas just about all of the tracks were hard to listen to before, there are a handful of tracks this time around that showcase a maturity in their music. "Holiday," "I Love You So," and the two worship songs at the end feature sounds that I would love to hear more of from these guys, as those sounds prove to be where their strengths lie. I have nothing but respect for the work they do at the Dream Center and their ministry that reaches many people for Jesus; I would just love to hear more of the ballads and worship from them, and less of the pop/rock/hip hop/r&b/electronic/techno/trance hybrid songs (and much much less auto tune next time around as well). Still not a great album, but definitely a step in the right direction for Press Play.

Track Listing
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01. NY2LA
02. Getcha Hands Up
03. Let's Dance
04. Let's Go
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05. L.O.V.E. Now
06. Holiday
07. I Love You So
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08. Love Somebody (80's Tribute)
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09. My Destiny
10. Shake The Rooftop
11. My Everything
12. Forever
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Entry last edited by NRTeamAdmin on 08.24.10

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Thanks! | Posted October 03, 2013
 Thank you for being a musician that is inspired by God!  It Is so amazing to hear music that glorifies him and gives him all the praise. I pray that He blesses you in your ministry and that you are able to continue in your career and help other come to Christ! Thank you for all you do in the name of our Lord!

 Thank you for being a musician that is inspired by God!  It Is so amazing to hear music that glorifies him and gives him all the praise. I pray that He blesses you in your ministry and that you are able to continue in your career and help other come to Christ! Thank you for all you do in the name of our Lord!

 Thank you for being a musician that is inspired by God!  It Is so amazing to hear music that glorifies him and gives him all the praise. I pray that He blesses you in your ministry and that you are able to continue in your career and help other come to Christ! Thank you for all you do in the name of our Lord!


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