Bee is part of a new generation of worship leaders that has been influenced by the music of Switchfoot, U2 and Coldplay, yet still honors the devotional spirit of the Integrity, Vineyard and Maranatha music of decades past. He deftly blends old and new: vintage drum sounds are juxtaposed with sumptuous modern guitars, pop melodies and lush vocals are fused with indie rock sensibilities. The result is a wonderfully rich and textured sound.
Click here to add a video. Click to add lyrics if not listed. Official Review!| Posted April 01, 2011 Producer and worship leader Brandon Bee’s sophomore CD, “Inside These Walls” proves to be a reflection of Brandon’s personal experience in life, as well as the music industry. Coming from a background that has consisted of producing artists such as Grammy nominee and Dove award winner Stacie Orrico, to the more recent album “Echoes Of Light” by Circleslide, Brandon’s production experience gives his album a bit of personal touch. Released by Save the City Records, “Inside These Walls” is a successful and purposeful attempt by Brandon to ensure that “no two songs sound the same.”
Enlisting the help of fellow industry names such as Scott Krippayne, Carl Cartee, and Circleslide’s own front man Gabe Martinez, Brandon’s worship roots shine from all the tracks, including the first song, aptly titled “Everlasting Song.” Bringing together a sound that evolves contemporary worship even as it is today, the leading track contains ample guitar and drums along with a catchy rhythm that would bode well in a praise and worship setting. Kicking off the roller coaster feel the album generates from track to track, “Stones On Bones” has more of an indie rock feel, starting out slow, but picking up in the end, carrying the track through a pure reflection of Brandon’s feelings and emotions. “Bring Me to Life” resembles another contemporary worship tune, drawing you into God’s presence as Brandon asks Him to “surround me in your mercy, surround me with your healing” in the song’s bridge.
The next track, “Nailed It at the Cross” goes right into singing praises to God for giving us His son, forgiving us, and nailing our sins. As Brandon sings, “you saved your wrath for love,” and thanking him “for forgiving me, I’m clean forever,” reiterating the fact that we deserve nothing but death for our sin, but we are saved through the blood of God’s son. Releasing for radio on April 8 is the next track, “Radiant Sun (Give Thanks To The One).” To sum it up rather simply, this song definitely draws hands to the air to worship Him, the Radiant “Son.” Let us hope this song gets much radio play, and be sung along by many.
Breaking away from the worship a bit is a showing of Brandon’s overall musical talent in the pop/rock track “Maybe It’s The Last Day.” “Hands of Yours” is an acoustically driven song to God, worshipping Him for what He did for us through the sacrifice of His son, Jesus. The next song, “Helpless,” explores the fact that we can’t do anything without God as Brandon sings “everything I’ll ever need comes from you.” Sticking to the roller coaster effect of the album so far, “Listen To My Heart” puts the same concept into the song itself, starting off a bit slow before picking up and delivering a very worship-driven recording.
“My life depends on the hope we are all given” is one of the defining verses in “Weight Of This Illusion,” conveying an emotionally driving track that has you hanging on a seat to look forward in hearing what will be coming next. Perhaps one of the closest songs on the album to represent a ballad, the simple piano, guitar, and drum precede full band accompaniment in “Whispers in Silence.” Pointing out that sometimes God speaks in a whisper, sometimes all we have to do is listen and then we can sing as Brandon sings, “God I hear you now.” “Majesty Reigns” is another great example of a redefined sound Brandon brings with his worship experience in what some may refer to as “rock worship.” Closing off the album is the title track, “Inside These Walls,” finishing off the roller coaster ride of faith that is summed up in the complete album. As described by Brandon, “my goal with ‘Inside These Walls’ [the album] is that people will look at it as
a devotional.”
Closing Thoughts Although this for me is a first time hearing of Brandon Bee and though may not be known to many, Brandon’s album is a great example of variety as well as sticking true to his faith. Every song reflects his faith and does nothing to hide the fact that God is the reason we have life in Him eternally. For those who like the sound of contemporary worship and sounds of artists such as Lincoln Brewster, and even bands such as Sanctus Real, “Inside These Walls” is a great album to have in your collection not just for when you want to spend time with God, but also for the listening pleasure of a true artist.
Very Good| Posted May 05, 2011
This is one of those releases that grows on me the more I listen to it. The album has some variety in it's arrangements which is great, but they all follow along a common sound so everything presents itself like a common theme (as opposed to to some releases where you feel like you are jumping from hard rock to country to hip hop and is just all over the place). My favorite tracks are those in the middle (tracks 5-8). I also really appreciate the Christ centered lyrics.
Nice surprise| Posted April 18, 2011
When I read that his music had influences from U2 and bands like that, I really didn't think I would like it. In truth, I couldnt hear any type of inflence from them at all. He has a nice smooth and upbeat style of music.
Great.| Posted April 17, 2011
He doesn't sound much like his influences but that is just fine. If everyone sounded the same, things would get dull. Really like his music and cannont wait to pick up his new record. Sound slike it should be really good.
Good record.| Posted April 17, 2011
Very nice vocals and easy to listen to. Not any of that yelling and loud music that some bands are going with today. It is a really nice change of pace. I have always preferred this kind of music over others.
Excellent voice. It is nice and smooth and it flows with the music nicely. I cannot wait for this record to come out, from what I have heard so far, it should be a great album. More of a easy-going sound from what I can tell.
Nice...but not as advertised| Posted April 09, 2011
I LOVE Switchfoot, Coldplay and U2...If I had to pick my three favorite bands, that's the list right there. That being said, Brandon's music is far from the quality of his influences. I am not writing this to bash the brother, I just don't think you should have a description of an artist that includes their influences unless they are in the same league.