To Hell With The Amps - A Heavenly Choice Posted July 20, 2024 By RyanAdams_NRT, Staff Reviewer
What You Need To Know:
Stryper's legendary impact on the Christian rock and metal scene is felt far and wide. And they're not only known for their soaring anthems, but also their emotive, tender ballads. To celebrate an extensive career and to honor those ballads, Stryper has released their first full-length album of acoustic and stripped back songs - To Hell With The Amps.
What It Sounds Like:
It's not a surprise that this record was carefully recorded and created. They could have just taken an acoustic guitar can re-sang the songs and called it good, but they did not. They re-created major hits - both anthemic and soft - ranging from "Soldiers Under Command" to "Honestly." A full rearrangement is on display, with various stringed instruments and well-honed vocals lending to each song being respectfully cared for.
Spiritual Highlights:
Stryper's songs have always been a reliable source of biblical hope and truths. The only non-original song here is the cover of "Amazing Grace." Which means every song here has already stood the test of time and is in line with the band's theological prowess and writing. Listening to these songs in a new arrangement provides a unique experience that helps you focus more on the lyrics than before, and they chose great songs to highlight.
Best Song:
Their rendition of "Amazing Grace" is definitely a highlight. Though it is wonderful to hear songs like "No More Hell To Pay" and "Loud & Clear" in a new light, and even more so with the ballads reimagined, hearing something traditional in the Stryper style is a fun surprise. It even has an accompanying video to see the band perform it live in the studio. It's an excellent choice for the band to add, among a multitude of possible covers.
Stryper's first foray into the dedicated acoustic realm of music is a smashing success in my opinion. Each song is carefully chosen from a huge library of music and are each given a skillful arrangement to showcase the band's amazing musicianship and highlight the lyrics more. This record is a fantastic tribute to the band's history and fan favorites.