Jeremy and Adrienne Camp Announce Upcoming New Album
Husband and wife duo team up to release a new worship project
Posted: August 17, 2020, 5:00 PM | Category:General Artist Tags: Jeremy Camp
/ Adie Source: Staff Report GC
Last week on social media, Jeremy Camp announced that he and his wife and former Benjamin Gate frontwoman Adrienne are teaming up to release a brand new album together called The Worship Project!
"This project is so special for numerous reasons. Adrienne has been such a vital part of this journey as a lot of you know, and we've always been able to minister together, but this is the first time we've ever done a project fully together." Jeremy shared. "It was a powerful process hearing her heart and passion displayed in writing and singing. So excited about this new season even in the midst of so many unknowns. Another reason is that the majority of these songs were written during this difficult season we are all experiencing. It was healing and encouraging to say the least. I really do hope that this project would encourage your hearts to fall more in love with Jesus."
Not many other details have been announced yet, other than the album will be releasing on September 4. Keep an eye on for more information as soon as it becomes available!