9 March 2020 - Brentwood, TN & Brighton, East Sussex, U.K. - Effective immediately, the music of
Vineyard Worship will now be integrated into the Integrity Music team via marketing, distribution, and publishing administration. Vineyard Worship's existing catalog of songs and recordings will now be available through Integrity Music, and new songs will be given a greater platform and larger reach than ever before through this new relationship.
Adam Russell, Director of Vineyard Worship (U.S.), states, "We are so excited about this partnership because it is rooted in similar values - in the Vineyard our love for God has always expressed itself in singing simple love songs straight to Jesus. We know that the Integrity team 'gets' this and we are looking forward to walking with them so that we can serve our movement and the wider church accessible, compelling songs for worshippers around the world."
Vineyard Worship's Director of Production and Publishing (U.K. and Ireland) Jimmy Cooke says, "As the landscape of the global music industry continues to change, we want to be good stewards to what God has entrusted us. At Vineyard Worship, we've been looking for a more robust digital infrastructure in order for us to continue to record and publish the songs emerging from our movement, and simultaneously, we've sensed the Lord speaking to us about partnership."
"Integrity Music is honored to join with Vineyard Worship to undertake marketing and distribution services of their illustrious catalog and future releases," shares Jonathan Brown, President of Integrity Music. "Beginning with John and Carol Wimber in the 1970's, the Vineyard movement helped to unlock the idea that a real and personal encounter with Christ Jesus through his Holy Spirit was not only possible but a reality in the here and now. Today this reality and expression have permeated throughout the global church. The legacy of Vineyard's musical response in song has gifted the church with moments of great intimacy through evergreen songs like 'More Love More Power,' 'Draw Me Close,' 'Breathe,' 'Holy and Anointed One,' 'Come Now Is The Time,' to name a few. We have great enthusiasm to serve and steward this wonderful heritage of songs, and we are also invigorated by the vision and vitality of the Vineyard Worship expression as the movement continues to grow and churches are planted around the world."
"The Vineyard Leadership Group, Trustees, and Vineyard Worship team are all incredibly excited about this partnership," says Harmony Smith, Director of Worship for Vineyard Worship (U.K. and Ireland). "It will continue to serve our own movement and the wider body of Christ with the gifts that we have freely received and freely given."