Miss Mae, a employee who customers say is 'the glue that holds the store together," has been battling colon cancer and finding hope in Ryan's music. Ryan heard about her story and decided to stop by on his way to an Orlando tour date to play a personal acoustic concert for Miss Mae and everyone else who filled the busy Chick-fil-A on September 9th.
"Music has a beautiful way of bringing people together, so to get a call to do something like this...I was all over it. Nobody gets to do these kinds of things," Ryan said of playing the show.
The local news in Tampa covered the event and in the video you can see Miss Mae singing along to all her favorite songs, especially Ryan's latest hit "Eye Of The Story" from his album Fresh Start. "It helps me mostly through every day. If I hear it on the radio or if I'm feeling down about something, I sing along to it and it lifts my spirit," Mae says of the song that has become an anthem for her in her fight through health and financial struggles.
Click here to listen to "Eye Of The Storm" and here to buy the song on iTunes.