Four song EP consisting of songs performed live in Denmark available via Noisetrade
Posted: July 21, 2016, 5:00 PM | Category:General Artist Tags: Disciple Source: From Staff Reports MN
Disciple is giving away a four song EP recorded during a live performance in Denmark earlier this summer. You can download the Live In Denmark EP through Noisetrade here.
The band announced the giveaway today as a special gift to fans both as a thank you for their continued support and to help pass the time until the release of their upcoming full length album Long Live The Rebels. Fans have already had a taste of the Denmark set through some high quality live performance videos capturing the night, which are available to stream on Disciple's YouTube channel by clicking here. The EP features live recordings of fan favorites "321," "Regime Change," "Radical" and "Game On."
Disciple announced the giveaway through a facebook live video, which you can watch on their page or below.
Disciple recently wrapped recording on Long Live The Rebels, which they recorded with Aaron Sprinkle in Nashville, Tennessee. In the band's live video they promised many more announcements to come in the months ahead--which you can keep up with by following them on facebook, twitter and instagram.