The remaining members of hard rock group
We As Human have shared their plans for future music following the departure of founder and lead singer Justin Cordle.
Cordle posted
an open letter to his personal blog in January sharing his current life position as a way to offer an explanation to fans for his decision to leave We As Human. The aftermath of his announcement has left many fans wondering about the group's future-- a question finally answered by remaining members Justin Forshaw (guitar), Jake Jones (guitar) and Brooks Holt (drums) in the latest episode of their
Ruined Radio Vodcast.
"I could definitely go on the record and say that yes, We As Human is over-- the name is gone," Jake Jones shared. "We As Human is owned by Justin Cordle. And he has chosen specifically not to pursue music any longer and to pursue his own thing. And so even if we wanted to, we couldn't hire a new lead singer and continue. That's not even an option. But essentially our goal is to be more awesome, to have better music and go bigger, harder. And really just to pick up where we left off the best we can, and hopefully forge a new path and a new future."
Justin Forshaw shared that a lot of material has already been written in the months since the dissolution of We As Human began to seem likely. Rather than focusing on the past, the musicians are focused on forging ahead. Currently their plan is to create music independently, with Justin Forshaw and Jake Jones shouldering vocal and writing duties together. Although the project is currently unnamed, that is likely to change soon, and fans can expect to hear the first new song in the near future.
Although the details of the execution may be changing, the mission shared in the group has not. "Our heart is that you would know and recognize that there is a God, and God is love," Jake Jones shared. "That He loves you, and He loves us, and above all else, there is absolute forgiveness for everything you could ever do and anything you've ever done."
That's a mission statement that the band applies to their past and their parting of ways with Justin Cordle as well. Jones continued by sharing on that subject "I know with concrete security that God is loving and forgiving and merciful. And He says all we have to do is ask for it. And He also says as people who love Him, who claim to be Christians, who say that they love God, it is our responsibility first and foremost to forgive everyone and anyone of anything they've ever done to us, for us, against us... So as far as We As Human is concerned, there is nothing but love, nothing but forgiveness."
In addition to the new music, Justin Forshaw, Jake Jones and Brooks Holt have been running RMS Studio in the Nashville area. Justin Forshaw also continues to offer Skype guitar lessons through Modern Guitar. To keep up with their work and to find out more about their new music, you can subscribe to their Ruined Radio Vodcast here: