(So Jesus said to them, "What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about the one sheep than the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way, your father in Heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.")
Little child in the dark, homeless one in the park,
Not attracted to pleasant places, he was drawn to the broken hearts and lonely faces.
What would Jesus say? What would Jesus do?
Where would Jesus go? - We've got to go there too,
He wants to love them...love them through me and you,
We must be his voice, we must be his hands,
We must show his heart so they understand,
Brothers and sisters, we've got his work to do,
It's a labour of love.
When you hear the lost ones cry, will you stop or walk on by?
Now he waits for us to start to be the expression of the Father's heart.
What would Jesus say? What would Jesus do?
Where would Jesus go? - We've got to go there too,
He wants to love them...love them through me and you,
We must be his voice, we must be his hands,
We must show his heart so they understand,
Brothers and sisters, we've got his work to do.
Oh, can you feel the pain he feels as he weeps for his own?
Let's dry his tears and bring his wayward children home, oh.
What would Jesus say? What would Jesus do?
Where would Jesus go? - We've got to go there too,
He wants to love them...love them through me and you,
Oh, we must be his voice, we must be his hands,
We must show his heart so they understand,
Brothers and sisters, we've got his work to do,
What would Jesus say? What would Jesus do?
Where would Jesus go? - We've got to go there too,
He wants to love them...love them through me and you,
We must be his voice, we must be his hands, (gotta be his voice, gotta be his hands)
We must show his heart so they understand, (his heart of compassion and mercy)
Brothers and sisters, we've got his work to do.
A labour of love.