Alienation,(C.H.A.O.S. Series #2)  by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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(C.H.A.O.S. Series #2)
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Teens
Release Date: January 2012

Earth's last line of defense against the coming alien invasion is a 16-year-old surfer. But before Colt McAlister can save the world, he has to survive the day.

All Colt wants to do is return to his old life-where aliens don't exist, where mankind hasn't been targeted for destruction, and where his parents are still alive. Unfortunately life doesn't work that way.

The United States government believes Colt holds the key to our survival, so they're sending him to the C.H.A.O.S. Military Academy along with his best friends Oz and Danielle. There they'll be trained to defend Earth against a swarm of alien shapeshifters known as the Thule. But someone is trying to eliminate Colt before he can lead that charge. Shocked to learn about key events in his past and unsure who he can trust, Colt is alienated and on the run.

In a world of high-tech gear, shape-shifting aliens, simulated reality, and hoverboards, Colt must step into his true destiny before our world falls in chaos.

Pages: 288
Format: Hardcover
EAN/ISBN: 9781595547545
Publisher: Thomas Nelson

+ Entry lasted edited by bigsandwich6 on 07.01.12

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Looking for More Development but Still Fun | Posted July 01, 2012

Alienation is the second book in the C.H.A.O.S. Trilogy.  The first book, Invasion, was entertaining.  Alienation is more of the same.  The book is very fast paced, with short chapters and lots of action.  Colt McAlister, along with his friends Oz and Danielle, are heading to the C.H.A.O.S. Academy for training.  They will be joining a group of recruits who will defend the Earth against invasion by the Thule, six-armed aliens from one of the twelve known worlds.  What Colt doesn't know is that he has been marked for death by someone inside C.H.A.O.S.  Even though this is the second in a trilogy, the story is resolved while laying the foundation for the final book.

Some observations:  This is a quick read, and the first book appealed to some of my students.  It is full of comic-book type action, with jet packs, aliens, secret bases, and conspiracies.  The characters are a little two-dimensional, but are showing some growth.  I feel like a subplot concerning Colt's "girlfriend" from the first book was rushed or tacked on; it either needs to be eliminated or fleshed out more.  Also, with only one book to go, I'm curious how the potential invasion will be dealt with.  There is a lot of room for sequels or other series and I'd be interested to see Colt's world expanded on.


This was an entertaining book, and I'd recommend it particularly for 10-16 year old boys, although anyone could enjoy it.

I received a copy of this book from Thomas Nelson's BookSneeze program in exchange for my honest review.

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