Next Door Savior, by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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Next Door Savior
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Christian Living
Release Date: June 2004

If Christian publishing phenomenon Lucado has been criticized for anything, it's for repeating the same basic themes in his books: Christ, his death on the cross and the grace and forgiveness offered to those who follow him. This latest doesn't deviate, but somehow manages to make these themes crisp and compelling. The essays, each built around an episode in the life of Jesus, are often unabashedly poignant, at times humorous and always hopeful. Lucado's unique retellings cast Jesus as a compassionate personal friend who isn't put off by anyone's past mistakes. In one essay, Jesus urges a reluctant Matthew (the tax collector) not to ditch his old acquaintances, while Matthew argues "But Jesus, these guys... half of them are on parole. Josh hasn't worn socks since his Bar Mitzvah...." A reach-for-the-hanky story portrays Jesus as "The Trashman," willing to take the burdens of others on himself. Throughout this book-as he has in others-Lucado explores the paradox of Jesus as both fully human and fully divine: "Midwifed by a carpenter. Bathed by a peasant girl. The maker of the world with a bellybutton. The author of the Torah being taught the Torah." Lucado clearly portrays God's love, forgiveness and concern about the smallest details, "for even though he is in heaven, he never left the neighborhood." Solidly grounded in Scripture, drenched in the trademark Lucado anecdotes that have endeared him to legions of fans, this book may be his best in a decade.

Pages: 427
Format: Hardcover
EAN/ISBN: 0786265841
Publisher: Thorndike Press

+ Entry lasted edited by takamine0427 on 10.18.11

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Comfort Food | Posted February 18, 2013
Max Lucado is the comfort food of Christian writers. He has a talent for taking tough, hard to digest ideas and making them easily understandable.  In Next Door Savior, Lucado has taken the idea of Jesus as both God and Man and explained how and why that is necessary.

Subtitled Near Enough to Touch, Strong Enough to Trust, this book demonstrates how no one is too broken or too far away to experience the love of God.  Jesus became a man, literally, in order to fully experience what we do, and to reassure us that He has been where we are and lived what we live.  He has complete understanding of what it means to be human. 

The first section of the book is called No Person He Won't Touch.  This section discusses nine different types of people whom Jesus loves.  These include Every Person, Shady People, Desperate People, Discouraged People, Suffering People, Grieving People, Tormented People, Spiritually Weary People, and Imperfect People.  If you look hard enough, I'm sure there is a category you fit in.  Lucado shares anecdotes and scripture to illustrate his points.

The second section is called No Place He Won't Go.  Covered in this section are: Every Place, Inward Places, Ordinary Places, Religious Places, Unexpected Places, Wilderness Places, Stormy Places, The Highest Place, Godforsaken Places, God-Ordained Places, and Incredible Places.  Again, I'm sure the place you are in is mentioned. The good news?  Jesus has been there and will go again for YOU.

This book is a great answer for anyone who has said "I'd love to come to church/become a Christian, but I've got to get myself right first".  Thanks to Jesus, the God-Man, we don't need to get ourselves right first.  He does it for us.

Included in this edition of the book is a discussion guide, which makes it perfect for small group or Bible studies.

P. S.  The anecdote of the little boy who had knots in his shoelaces is priceless.  "Do you untie knots?"

I give Next Door Savior 5 out of 5 stars.

I was given a review copy of this book by Thomas Nelson Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

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