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" Come What May"
A collection of short story and poetic musing
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Womens Interest
Release Date: March 2011

What if I had turned right instead of left?
What if I had said yes instead of no? Does my life-story have a happy ending?
Better yet, can I trust that God's not letting me go down the wrong path when all I really want to do is His Will?
In life we are faced with a multitude of crossroads and choices. Choices that leave in their path "what-if".
Our lives are like branches on a tree, and once you choose to move down one, you almost never can go back and see where the other one would have lead.
Thestory "Come What May" is the first in this delightful collection. It introduces us to Cayla. As a 19-year-old college student, totally 'sold-out' and in love with Christ, Cayla Lysander met with a crossroad-choice that would haunt her and leave her wondering "what-if?" And with "what-if" dogging your steps like a tired pack mule,does anyone really get a 'what-if-free' happy ending on this side of heaven?
This is one woman's struggle with this and how she has dealt with it in regards to her faith. Or has she?
This whole collection is filled to overflowing with moments that will make you laugh-out-loud and nod your head. It is topped off, like icing on a cake, with a stunning poem that wraps up the whole "what-if" theme and the author's take on this in regards to her OWN faith.
"Come What May" has the potential to reach a wide variety of audiences. It crosses age boundaries, ethnic boundaries and even gender boundaries; wrapping you in warm hug with unforgettable stories and characters. Very few titles can legitimately claim such a large potential reading pool. And anyone who picks it up won’t be disappointed.

Pages: 100
Format: N/A
Publisher: Publishing

+ Entry lasted edited by lauradia7 on 06.09.11

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"Come What May" | Posted June 10, 2011
 It's short. It's sweet.  I really liked it. I hope to read more.  The relationship between Cayla and Abbie was very interesting and fun.  I would hope that I too could have such a relationship with my grandchildren.  However, I do not know if I have quite the spunk of Cayla.  I would actually like for this to be a longer story.  I see how it is the focal point of the "collection" but I think that it wouldn't take much for the author to turn this into a full length novel.

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"Come What May | Posted June 09, 2011
I absolutely love love love this book!  The characters are unforgettable!

This is a fantastic, rich and involving read.

The author chose a subject here that is something we can all relate to. I love her writing style, and her dialoge is the most believable that I've  a long time. I love the different generations of Cayla and how she interacts with Abbie is entertaining and interesting. From the beginning, once Daniel was introduced I wondered if they were ever going to get back together.  There were no clues and the author keeps the reader on the edge of her seat waiting to see what happens, I highly recommend this kindle-e-book.  It is one of the best kindles from an independent author that I have ever read.  This book should be made into a Feature Films for families, or something like that.... it is that good!

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