The Miracle Of Mercy Land, by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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The Miracle Of Mercy Land
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Fiction
Release Date: October 2010

Mercy Land has made some unexpected choices for a young woman in the 1930s. The sheltered daughter of a traveling preacher, she chooses to leave her rural community to move to nearby Bay City on the warm, gulf-waters of southern Alabama. There she finds a job at the local paper and spends seven years making herself indispensable to old Doc Philips, the publisher and editor. Then she gets a frantic call at dawn—it’s the biggest news story of her life, and she can’t print a word of it.

Doc has come into possession of a curious book that maps the lives of everyone in Bay City—decisions they’ve made in the past, and how those choices affect the future. Mercy and Doc are consumed by the mystery locked between the pages—Doc because he hopes to right a very old wrong, and Mercy because she wants to fulfill the book’s strange purpose. But when a mystery from Mercy’s past arrives by train, she begins to understand that she will have to make choices that will deeply affect everyone she loves—forever.

Pages: 336
Format: Paperback
EAN/ISBN: 978-0-307-45705-9
Publisher: Waterbrook press

+ Entry lasted edited by soalyssatated on 02.10.11

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Thunder and Lightning | Posted February 10, 2011
  I honestly found this book to be rather odd. It started off odd and ended odd...but the main plot of the story was very intriguing.
  There is a recurring theme of thunder and lightning in this book. She was born on the banks of a river in a thunderstorm, The mysterious book appeared with a flash, And the man who would change Mercy Lands heart appeared in the midst of a rainstorm. 

  Mercy is a Bittersweet girl, with a hard backbone and a strong mind. Her ordinary life consists of her working hard beside the Editor in Chief of Bay City's daily newspaper, *The Banner*.and then returning to her boardinghouse at night. But her daily life is about to be rearranged when two things appear in her life: One, A book that can take you deep into the lives of others just by touching it. And two, The mysterious John Quincy, the only one who might make her heart skip a beat. But she has connections to him that she at first cannot see. And he has a history that is buried deep beneath his movie star persona. 

 Why did the book appear? What is it's purpose? Why do they have it? Don't miss out on the lesson. 

  Despite the fact that I personally found the book to be odd, I did really like the lesson of the story. 

  **I received this book for free from Walterbrook Multnomah Publishing company in order to write this review*


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