Kingdom's Dawn, by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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Kingdom's Dawn
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Fiction
Release Date: May 2006

Leinad has been chosen by the King for a mission with the upmost importance.

Pages: 160
Format: N/A
EAN/ISBN: 1590526791
Publisher: Multnomah Publishers

+ Entry lasted edited by kl1995 on 02.27.08

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Lots of Fun | Posted December 13, 2008
I wanted to try something different so I bought this book and I absolutely love it!
This book has a ton of allegory in it.

I love how the story and people are similar to the ones in the Bible. For instance, Peyton (Leinad's father) is like Adam. Peyton and his wife were given charge over a kingdom by the King but they were tempted by the Dark Knight and so they lost it. Leinad (main character) witnesses his father's death by the Dark Knight and then flees with a young slave girl, Tess (who had been living with Peyton and Leinad). Leinad has a calling that the King has given him and Leinad starts to understand what that calling is.

Follow Leinad and Tess as they become enslaved by the evil Fairos and when Leinad is left to be killed by the Moshi Beasts! If you love Medieval stuff like I do, then you should like this :D

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Rated 4 Stars

Good | Posted January 20, 2010
Kingdom's Dawn by Chuck Black is the first book in the allegorical Kingdom Series. It is 160 pages full of excitement, truth, and adventure. The main character, Leinad, is a boy who learns of his family's true history and embarks on an adventure as a follower of the King.
In the beginning of this story, we see a young teen who has his whole life ahead of him. He and his father are farmers, but they do one thingy regularly that most who work the earth do not do. They practice swordsmanship, and Leinad begins to wonder why.
A girl named Tess is rescued by Leinad's father, Peyton, and Peyton reveals the secret of his past.
Leinad barely has time to react before disaster strikes, and Leinad and Tess are swept into a whirlwind of events. They must keep their faith for the King strong, and sharpen their swords.
I was drawn to this book from the moment I laid eyes on it at a local Christian bookstore. The covers themselves are intriguing and very attractive! Since this is an allegory, I could find several parallels between Kingdom's Dawn and the Bible. The author has skillfully crafted Kingdom's Dawn in a way that children, teens, and adults will all enjoy, by using the medieval theme. There is a discussion portion in the back that is great for families wanting to read the book together. However, the story does seem very short and rushed due to the number of pages and fast pace of it. I also wish there was more conversation and describing more than just the appearances of things. I would have liked to have gotten more acquainted with some of the characters, so I could feel more like I was in the story, not just an outsider watching.
All in all, I do recommend this book. it is full of truths. Though the story line and pace could use a bit of work, I will definitely be on the lookout for the rest of the series!

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Amazing!!!!!! | Posted December 09, 2009
Kingdom's Dawn is an awesome book, I read the Cronicles of Narnia series and enjoyed them,when I found out about these I bought all six in the Kingdom series and then I got the sir ???? series.

For any Bible reading, knight loving people. THIS IS THE BOOK

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Great | Posted April 29, 2008
Kingdom's Dawn is a VERY enjoyable book. You get the action, and as a special twist you get the Bible. I love how it integrates the story with the Bible. The main character is Leinad a knight specially chosen by the king. I guarantee you will love this book if you read it.

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