What the Cat Dragged In, by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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What the Cat Dragged In
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Fiction
Release Date: March 2007

(Jacques and Cleo, Cat Detectives #1)

A charming new mystery series from beloved and bestselling author, Gilbert Morris...


Jacques the Ripper: A tough–minded “Savannah” breed of feline–fierce, enormous, and with a mind of his own.


Cleo: A multi–colored “Rag Doll” with long silky hair. Cleo is as affectionate as Jacques is tough and her favorite mode of transportation is draped over the shoulder of the nearest human.

In their debut mystery, Jacques and Cleo and their owner...or rather the human they own, Kate Forrest, and her son, Jeremy, move to a beautiful beach house in Gulf Shores, Alabama, left to Kate by a distant relative.

The catch is that another distant relative, wanna–be novelist (and bonafide cat–hater) Jake Novak, has also inherited an interest in the house. Undeterred, Kate and Jeremy move in the downstairs quarters and Jake takes the separate apartment upstairs.

Then, when a murder occurs...everyone is stumped—but feline sleuths Jacques and Cleo come to the rescue and reveal the identity of the killer.

Pages: 256
Format: Paperback
EAN/ISBN: 0736919643
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers

+ Entry lasted edited by BlackLeopard on 12.11.08

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Mystery and Cats | Posted December 12, 2008
I love just about anything that has to do with cats and so when I saw this book...I had to buy it! For me I don't think it's as well written but it's still a good story.

It starts out with Kate Forrest and her son Jeremy (both Christians) who find out that they are heirs to a distant relatives' estate. The estate is a fancy beach house in Alabama and is full of pets! In the will, it states that they can't sell the house and they must take care of all the animals that live there.

That's not all, Kate thought she was the only heir but she was wrong. She discovers that there's another heir to the estate. Jake Novak is the other heir, he's tough and never seems to be content about anything. The problem is they all have to live in the big house together! At first, Kate and Jake don't get along so well but you can guess what happens. They both start to like each other but won't admit it.

When Jeremy makes friends with a trouble making kid named Derrek. Things start to happen! The police find Derrek missing and then they find his body and blame Jeremy for the murder. Jeremy was the last one seen with his friend that night but Kate and Jake know he didn't do it. They won't give up until they find the truth.

The cats ~ Jacques & Cleo are actually not in the book as much as I thought they would be. This book is not great but it is an interesting read and I'll probably get the two other books in this series :)

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