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Plastic surgery before and after| Posted May 02, 2016
Plastic surgery is one of the best to grow your fairness from defects of faces,marks on face,ugly looking etc. These techniques are helpful grow your fair and looks beautiful/smart after this treatment.Plastic surgery are not only for female but men also.MANY of the models,actor/actress have done it.
Great book, awesome experience!| Posted May 29, 2013
Great book, great experience.
Lucky that little kid who had the experience so young of meeting our home, the sky, it's a lesson for all of us, we should really believe because God believes in us with his eyes closed. Really awesome experience
The Spiritual Awakening| Posted August 17, 2012
After reading Heaven is for Real, I committed my life to Jesus Christ and ever since, there have been fantastic things happening. Only Heanenly intervention could be responsible for these things. Thank you, Pastor Burpo for giving the world this book that makes sense without hesitation or question. Yes, I believe God really loves children; and sends His message through a 4 year old child that cannot be disputed.
Thank you!| Posted August 14, 2011
I sat across from my wife lastnight until 2am reading your amazing story while my two year old was sleeping on the other end of the couch with my wife. I had to stop many times cause i couldnt help but wonder how strong i thought i was, until i became a father and a husband. Until you have a child of your own you will never know how fast your heart melts when that beautiful face looks up at you and tells you , " i love you daddy".. Wouldnt trade it for anything in the world. With that said and many tears later i just wanted to thank you very much for allowing me and my wife to experience some of your familys life. YOu have inspired us to be better spouces,parents, and children of God.... I wish the best for your family, and again thank you for sharing your story.... Chris