I'm Ross. This is my site. Specifically, this is the page where I give you details about my life.
I'm a Jesus-follower. In my effort to wean myself from all the baggage-laden lingo of my fortunate-but-flawed heritage, I'd rather not use the term "Christian," at least not in this context. I've known a lot of folks who call themselves "Christians," and many of them believe and live with very different motivations and passions than I. Also, since I don't like a lot of what goes on in "Christian Music," I like to avoid that label as well. I'm not in denial. I know what category I'm in at the stores (the ones that carry my work). But I'm just not into all that labeling. What's in a name, anyway? If you came to this site looking for mission statements, here's the basic stuff: I believe the Bible is absolutely true, and I seek to do what it says that I should do. I believe in the Triune God spoken of therein. I submit my life to the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Church (local and global), and the scriptures. The rest is evident in my writing and living. You'll figure out who and what I am if you spend time with me, or even if you just listen to my music and read the stuff on this site. To that end...
I'm a songwriter. I've written or co-written a couple hundred songs in my life, at least as far as I can remember. My songs have been recorded by over 100 different artists and/or organizations, which is a real blessing. I've recorded several solo records, and those have sold about 40,000 copies combined (which isn't as many as it sounds, considering I've been making records since 1995). I enjoy writing, and I feel like God has called me to say things that aren't being said by the majority of artists in the Christian music community. I labor to write songs that matter. I don't write all the time or every day, because I don't always have something to say that's worth wasting a good melody on. There are only so many out there, after all. We must reserve and conserve them for the most profound of ideas and feelings.
I'm a worship pastor. I've chosen this term very carefully. Worship "leader" is okay, but I know I've been called to include some pastoral components in my ministry. I attempt to lead, facilitate, and teach worship wherever I go. This includes traveling all over the country (and sometimes the world) spending time with various churches and ministries. I've been doing this since 1994. In late 1998, I began doing it every Sunday (mostly) at Community Church of Bryan/College Station, where I am a pastor and founding member. At church and on the road, I seek to be a Biblically accurate and spiritually sensitive worship pastor. Sometimes I actually pull it off.
I'm a producer/engineer. I've been producing records for years, including my own, Breakaway's, and others, but a few years ago, I was afforded the opportunity to build a home studio. I never intended for it to be a business, but I guess God did. I now co-own a studio with Keith Sewell, and extremely talented engineer and producer. It's pretty exciting. I'm nowhere near the expert level in this field, but I'm having a blast and I feel like God is allowing me to be a part of some great ministries, and He's giving me a chance to record some excellent music. For more info on that, go to www.themixlab.com.
I am a husband and father. My wife, Staci, and I have been married since October 1998. She is my favorite person in the world and my true companion. In November 2003 we adopted our first child, Samuel. Sam is the source of great, inexpressible joy and laughter in our lives. He is a sweet gift from God.
Check out the rest of the website for other info on me, including booking info, music and some of my essay-style writings.