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My Brain Says Stop, But My Heart Says Go! by FM Static  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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My Brain Says Stop, But My Heart Says Go! [edit]
by FM Static | Genre: Pop/Rock | Release Date: April 05, 2011

FM Static is sure not to disappoint with their 4th studio album entitled "My Brain Says Stop, But My Heart Says Go!" Featuring the singles "Last Train Home," "My Brain Says Stop, But My Heart Says Go!!", and many more that you are sure to love.

Track Listing
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01. My Brain Says Stop, But My Heart Says Go!
02. F.M.S.T.A.T.I.C.
03. (Hey) I Want It
04. Lost In You
05. U Don't Know Me Like That
06. Cinnamon & Lipstick
07. Black Tattoo
08. Last Train Home
09. Breaking Me Again
10. Inside Out

Entry last edited by NRTeamAdmin on 04.02.11

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My Brain Says Stop but My Heart Says Go | Posted April 11, 2011
I've always been a moderate fan of FM Static's pop/punk music, especially Dear Diary. When I first heard they were moving on to a polished more-pop-less-rock sound, it didn't sound that appealing. Luckily, my introduction to their new style was in the form of the title track. "My Brain Says Stop and My Heart Says Go" is an incredibly catchy tune that's on the better side of the genre in my opinion. It even has some hip hop elements that might remind you of TFK's first album. The whole album is filled with carefree gems like that. It's easy listening through and through and you're sure to be singing along in no time.

My favorites off the album continue with the next track,"F.M.S.T.A.T.I.C.." Beginning with a cheer, it's a fun, albeit corny, song that's sure to become an anthem for any FM Static fan. The contagious "Hey (I Want It)" has been stuck in my head since I first heard it. I've caught myself randomly singing it around the house more times than I'd like to admit. "Cinnamon and Lipstick" is an upbeat and sentimental love song that's definitely a highlight. "Black Tattoo" brings the album to a more serious mood as it tackles the story of a girl who finds the strength to move on from an abusive relationship. The R&B tinged "Last Train Home" is a great slower track capturing the highs and lows of friendship.

Although this is certainly a solid album for the duo, it does miss some of the lyrics that Dear Diary got so perfectly. The songs are at times simple and even a little cheesy. Despite that, if you take the record for what it is - a pure fun summer soundtrack - you'll definitely love it.

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wencdj (34)

Hey I Want It | Posted April 11, 2011
FM Static, the side project of TFK Frontman Trevor McNevan and Drummer Steve Augustine has done it again. The band blends pop, hip hop, synth-pop, and rock into and a result that seems out of place in these times. I still think it sounds a little Beach Boys (or Beach Blanket Bingo).

The Ten songs, while not organized in a single theme like Dear Diary, still convey a happy pure pop experience. It is refreshing since most pop today is simply rock at half volume.

Cinnamon and Lipstick and Last Train Home are the pop songs on the album, which while I want to give it a perfect album score of 5, it is pop. So I will give it 4 1/2 stars.

In the end I will let the cheerleaders give the final verdict "F.M.S.T.A.T.I.C. That's the way you do it when you do it correctly." I  totally agree.

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A New Look on FM Static | Posted April 10, 2011
My Brain Says No... But My Heart Says Yes.
These words are very true in many senses of the phrase. My Brain says "No Way this is FM Static!" But my heart says "Oh, Yes it is! They just have a new sound and audience to attract."

I am a HUGE fan of Trevor McNevan, TFK, and FM Static! I love all of the guys work. This is NO exception. There are many "anthem-feeling" songs that make you just want to ride down the interstate, windows down, blasting the tune, and singing along!

The CD as a whole is very new sounding. Over the past few years, fm static has evolved from more pop based sound to a very punk-like feel. This is very punk rock sounding and it still keeps the same feel as their older albums do. Totally worth every single cents to buy the album! So don't waste any time!

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username2 (375)

4.5/5 | Posted April 07, 2011
 Trevor McNeaven is turning into a powerhouse.  He's got his main project, Thousand Foot Krutch, doing amazingly well and he's also got his side project, FM Static, also doing amazingly well.  In this, FM Static's 4th album, the band still remains as fresh as ever.

Coming off of the amazing Dear Diary, My Brain Says Stop, But My Heart Says Go! gives us more of the energy that was present on that album.  The first half of the new album is all fun with plenty of oh's being dropped left, right, center, sideways, upside down... you get the idea.  The second half of the album is where you'll find the more meaningful and memoriable songs.  Songs like "Last Train Home" and "Inside Out" really showcase the more heartfelt side of Trevor and have the same impact as "Take Me As I Am" had 2 years ago.  

If you are looking for a fun album to listen too, this is it.  The energy that was felt on Dear Diary continues here and it is not disappointing at all.  This is a good album that will tide us over until the next Thousand Foot Krutch album comes out.

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My ears say....I like! | Posted April 06, 2011
 This album was definitely one of my most anticipated albums of 2011. I can't begin to explain how excited I was when I saw it was the NRT Preview album of the week! Well, let's not waste anytime, and get straight to the music.

Kicking off the album is my favorite track, "My Brain Says Stop, But My Heart Says Go". Full of infectiouse beats and a fun hip/hop feel, this song is sure to please any FM Static fan. The lyrics are quirky, enjoyable, yet carry a little more depth than FM Static songs usually carry. "F.M.S.T.A.T.I.C" continues the upbeat, crazy music, complete with cheerleaders and a strong guitar line. Another great track, this song exudes letting go of "what we used to be". Another awesome track!

Third on the cd, we have "(Hey) I Want It" changes the sound a bit, and I enjoy the lyrics and music very much. This album carries more maturity than other FM Static albums, but still has that "high school" feel. "Lost In You" carries more of a techno pop feel, and is definitely a great track for easy listening. This song hints at spirituality, but I can see it interpreted as a relationship song. So far I am loving this album!

"U Don't Know Me Like That" speeds into the speakers with Trevor singing  about people who think they know him, yet they don't really know him. Pretty much a song about high school smack talkers, but I do not mean that in a bad way! This is a great song, and the lyrical content stands out. If you talk smack about this album, prepare to be smacked back! Lol!

"Cinnamon & Lipstick" is a very odd song name, in my opinion. But the music is great, and stays true to the FM Static stereotype of relationship songs. Definitely a track worth listening to. "Black Tattoo" takes the serious road, and speaks of a girl who runs away after being physically abused, yet refused to give up her spirit. This is definitely an anthemic, amazing song. 

"Last Train Home" is the big single from this album, other than the title track. This song wasn't one of my favorites, but isn't a bad song at all. "Last Train Home" has good lyrics, and good music, and is a song many FM Static fans love. "Breaking Me Again" shows the more mature side of FM Static, and sounds a little Skillet-esque. The lyrics are a prayer to God, and I really enjoy this spiritual side of FM Static.

"Inside Out" closes the album, an slows things down some. A song about relationships, it makes for good listening. It's not a shabby song at all, but I think I would have preferred a song with spiritual matter as a closing song, but I am not in FM Static! However, it is a good album closer.

Overall, "My Brain Says Stop, But My Heart Says Go!" is definitely the best release from FM Static. There is definitely a more mature feel to both the lyrics and music. In my opinion, this fourth effort from Fm Static is one of the best releases of 2011. Be sure to pick up a copy wherever good music is sold!

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My Brain Says... | Posted April 05, 2011
If you like Hawk Nelson and Chris Daughtry, you'll love this CD!  Great mix!

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My favorite FM Static album!! | Posted April 05, 2011
I love this CD!!!! The sound is very upbeat and the style just screams FM STATIC!!!! The depth of the songs seems to be deeper, such in the songs: Lost In You, but still the fun and carefree sound, like in F.M.S.T.A.T.I.C... Go FM Static!!! I highly recommend this album! 

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epic | Posted April 05, 2011

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Woohoo! | Posted April 05, 2011
 Fun and upbeat. It's a must get!

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Xavier (5)

f | Posted April 04, 2011
This album looks amazing, Trevor McNevan is an awesome artist, and a great songwriter. All his albums are really original and great.

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