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    Thiago Grulha
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    Thiago Grulha is a young fun and passionate about life' guy, born in a post-avant-garde generation that produces few and consumes so much, waking everyone's attention to what God wants his people to understand, with remarkable simplicity. Just relaxed and irresistible way that conveys the teachings of God's word, Thiago Grulha collects many friends, affecting the trajectory of many of them to "the way of the cross" and turning within him the wrong thinking of this century in the hope of eternity with help of the Eternal.
    Since beginning his contact with music, was a member of a children's choir of a Baptist Church in Brazil, the boy who drew attention for its beautiful voice played several songs alongside his family and friends, in the celebrations of their local church and other schedules communities. As a teenager Thiago studied piano, and before the suggested exercises, rather delight in the spontaneous creativity of fun with the sounds that gradually learned to master, emergence of signs of a struggling songwriter. Determined to know the universe of popular music, interrupted his classical piano lessons with Agnes Helena, began keyboard lessons with Marcelo Merlin, during which time experienced further development of his talent, instead of increased didactic exchange, but by a growing passion the instrument, which became tool for his compositions.
    Present in several Youth Congresses, Institutes and Praise and Worship Seminars, currently Thiago Grulha attends to invitations to preach and to teach sung poetry, inspired by God and the life which He gives.

    The result of his work with verses and sounds can be found in the following products:

    "No Meio da Multidão" (In the crowd) (2007) is the title track of their first album, deals with the figure of the lone human-being, which for always being behind a makeup that matches the collective, is invisible and irredeemable. It is surprising to find in your message that God does not isolate or remove the man from the crowd, but his light shine in it, for Jesus is seen that the receive and so everyone has a clear opportunity to walk together towards the Heaven.

    "Palavras" (Words) (2009) brings in its title track the expression of clear awareness of who did not find the words and the sounds or something that can be offered in praise of the Owner of everything, equivalently to their worthiness. Also noteworthy is the "Super-Herói" (Superhero) song, which consolidated Thiago Grulha as revelation tasteful, spirituality and quality in brazilian gospel scene.

    "Meus Passos no Tempo" (My steps in time) (2010) is a CD with pulsating music and intimate reflections that are located in different points of a calendar without apparent end. In this disc became the first official clip song: "Tempo Para Amar" (Time to Love). There's also a great reinterpretation of the worldwide known' song "Poder Pra Salvar" (Mighty to Save).
    "Feitas de Nuvens e Pó - Minhas Frases" (Clouds and powder made - My Phrases) (2011) is his first literary project: sentences on various topics lovingly taken from a heart full of them.
    "Somos Iguais" (We are Equal) (2013) brings together some of the main songs previously recorded (more some new songs) in an unforgettable live show, recorded on CD and also on DVD.

    Entry last edited by thcutrim on 12.17.14
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